General Gaming Chit-Chat and Tea-Time

Yup, and that very same description is what killed the fun in Destiny for me. That, and the fact that nothing you do ever does any good. Every last enemy you kill will respawn. Hated that shit since Space Invaders.


That’s a fair cop… though I usually don’t spend that much time on that as 95% are not going to be better than what you got and I don’t do much loot comparing till I am ready to see what to sell off. I only check right away when I pickup the rare colored items.

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I’m not super into mods, but I found Kerbal Engineering Redux vital to actually telling me the delta V of my rockets during construction instead of trial and error a remarkable help in getting me into orbit.

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Y’know what I’d like to play? A game where combat damage isn’t treated as a ridiculous numbers game. Early low-level missions in Destiny don’t make you worry too terribly much about leveling (except for those unexpected moments when you stray too far off the level-appropriate path on Patrol and run into some bad guys who outclass you by a wide margin). For the most part, the game is just teaching you the mechanics in the early stages, and you see that this kind of gun does this kind of damage, while that kind of gun behaves in that fashion, and the bad guys fall down when you hit them and you fall down when they hit you.

But all too soon, you and the bad guys turn into bullet sponges for lower-level guns, which is silly, especially since most enemies don’t even really have any damage state other than “perfectly fine” and “dead” (except for the Vex, which include a state for “combat inhibitor shot off, so now I CHAAAARRRGE!!!”).

That’s one thing that Fallout 4 does pretty well, especially with the Feral Ghouls, since they keep coming (albeit more slowly) as you shoot pieces off them. But the other two V.A.T.S. Fallouts did limb damage pretty well, too. I like it. Makes it more immersive.

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Only way I found the combat to be fun enough to finish the game was to stack sniper perks.

Made the hilly terrain in NV great though. I had a good time casing Nipton with that stanky Hunting Rifle.

Can we call this strategem The Bethesda Protocol?

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Kerbal Engineering Redux needs to be integrated into the game. Otherwise you’re building rockets by rule of thumb and guesswork, which is fun in sandbox mode, but infuriating in science and career mode.

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Absolutely. After installing it I couldn’t understand why even just the delta V calculator for each stage wasn’t included. I’d just been lofting things up and hoping until then, afterwards I went out and found out what delta V was and how it affected things on Earth.

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How the heck are you supposed to get to Mun if all you know is you have lots of fuel and a big engine?


More struts, of course.


More separatrons too. Can never have too many of those.


You know, if you use enough of them, it’s just like having another engine!

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That only works if the separatrons are all pointing in the same direction. Sometimes they get a little… Turned around… During placement.

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More struts!

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Screw it, I’m putting an atomic engine on top of a full gross of boosters and calling it “high tech.”


Protip: Make them all face “down”.

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Please note correct use of millions of struts.


They’ll face whichever way Werner Von Kerman thinks they should, and Jeb will happily test it anyway. Jeb’s a good ol’ boy like that. Does whatever you say, and has a blast doing it.


Jenwell Kerbel looks pretty exited, though.

Had to look that one up. So they’re like JATOs?

No. They’re not JATOs at all. They’re for pulling heavier stages away from your craft once the stage separates. To keep things from smashing into each other.

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