I’m going to leave those posts as-is now, as @anon67050589’s on-topic points are absolutely valid, even if I wish the discussion with @gellfex could have instead been taken to PM (or, have left hidden replies hidden). Regardless, I did want to discuss something specific:
Name calling, including calling people “trollies”, is not appropriate. @anon67050589 is not a trolley, full stop. I’m going to act on such posts. If you feel someone is a trolley, flag their posts or PM me and we’ll talk about it. Those choosing to repeatedly violate our community guidelines or disrupt conversations for lulz (“true” trollies) will be exorcised.
There’s been a noticeable increase in dissenting opinion of late, and I’ve been doing a lot of that aforementioned exorcising of late, but it’s important to give those with dissenting opinions the opportunity to speak their minds, within our guidelines, otherwise we risk turning the BBS into a big echo chamber that shouts down dissenting opinion.
TL’DR Calling people “trollies” is namecalling and will be treated as such. Please, flag/pm if you see trollies being trollies.