Almost like it’s actually a community, which they don’t quite get, instead of a set of discussion boards ruled by moderators.
User lava
has been banned for trying to what I can only describe as verbally harass and call out another user.
Let me make this crystal clear to everyone. No one is obligated to read what you post, take it in the way you intended, or respond to what you write. The ignore feature exists for a reason, as does the choice to disable private messages.
If you attempt to circumvent these processes to “force” another user to read your posts, you are engaging in harassment and are 1) not welcome here and 2) an asshole.
I especially appreciate your explanations for why you make these decisions… it helps us all be better posters.
Good. I saw that and the display of behavior and was hoping it’d end in at least a suspension.
Literally had only himself to blame.
has been given a timeout for treating the community as an adversary to overcome, rather than as their fellow mutants. Specifically, deleting your posts and calling out the entire community when folks inevitably disagree with you not only disrupts the conversation, but it suggests that one may be looking more for a community that reinforces their views rather than one that espouses multiple viewpoints.
User TPully
has been banned for engaging in traditional, run-of-the-mill trolling. A rarity these days. Posting 15 times in one topic and using lines like “Cars and guns are designed to be machines that accurately fire a projectile through space and time, usually by creating high pressure with combustible fuel” - well, the gig is pretty much up right there.
What, no “well, actually…” prefix?
No one said it was quality trolling.
No, but I did get linked to a dictionary definition that didn’t support what he said it did, if that helps.
2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Griping about moderation, bias, et cetera
User justinthyme
has been given a timeout for calling out users for, being regular mutants I suppose.
Moderation decisions are made by the moderators and no one else. The community flags posts, we decide on their fate. There isn’t some sort of shadow cabal pulling the strings, its why I created this topic in the first place, to make my decisions clear and transparent.
If you find regular mutants disagreeing with you, that means your opinions disagree with regular mutants. That’s perfectly fine. Their responses are subject to the same guidelines as everyone else.
If instead you choose to be an asshat when people disagree with you, and get moderated for it, well, that’s you choosing to be an asshat.
You know who’s often needlessly paranoid like that?
People who know they aren’t abiding by the terms, or who think that the rules which they agreed to somehow don’t apply to them…
Obligs, once again:
Some folk make weird choices.
some folks think the first rule, be cool, just doesn’t apply to them and their gold-plated opinions. too bad for them.
Everyone pictures it like this for some reason.
User d_r
has been given a timeout for trying to equate honest conversation about Israel as secret, dog whistle antisemitism, than accusing all his fellow mutants of it.
I direct you to our prominent Jewish Author’s frequent takes on Israel in posts and social media as to why this is a patently absurd position to take.