Gentleman drives 174 mph on public road, brags about it online, then gets arrested

You liar.

Son, you’re going to drive me to drinkin’

What about the GRX? That car is so fast, Speed Racer can’t even drive it without blacking out.


Daydreaming here…

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And I wonder what speed his tires were rated for? It’d suck to have one of them turn into a cloud of rubber at that speed.

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Then when the speed limit is increased you have a whole generation of cars unable to get up to speed.


…uh, why would we increase the speed limit?

Mortality and energy efficiency are pretty good reasons to keep the speed limit where it is, or even to lower it.

I’m not the ones making the law here. Sure the speed limit might be 65 today, but someone may decide to up it to 75. I remember back when it was 55. A car doing 55 on the interstate today is a hazard to navigation.

M’aiq’s father was also called M’aiq.

According to all the cyberpunk anime I watch, (neo)Tokyo is practically built out of well-lit gently curving tunnels. Also, it’s always night time.


Can confirm:

What was most impressive was that I put a 100 yen coin on the windowsill as we approached that speed, and it didn’t even wobble…

ETA I mean, coin was vertical on its edge, would be no surprise if I’d laid it flat :grin:


If you’re going to post a recording of you making a moving violation, at least wait until the statute of limitations runs out

Planned obsolescence? Not seeing a down side here…

Stock tires on an R35 Nissan GTR are Y-rated (186 mph).


Germany does pretty well at both, and has virtually unlimited speed limits on many sections of its highway system. There are restrictions on the type of vehicle allowed to take advantage of it and drivers can be held to higher liability in the case of an accident, but its there and both the accident rate and fatality rate are lower than on US highways.


Now that’s what I call dry snitching on yourself.

What a dumbass.

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There are places in the United States where the current speed limit is 80 MPH, and the highest current speed limit is 85 MPH (in Texas).

That makes a lot of sense. I don’t know enough about a car’s mechanisms to decide how to limit its top speed.

Heh “limit”. I drove from Salt Lake City to Seattle in a day once.