Gentleman has trouble stealing cash drawer from a McDonalds

“Pardon me; might I pilfer a few points? Apologies, but I’m in a pinch, and few points would sail my boat, good sir, so, please? Just a few points of fact? Quibble not, my good man, for I am a Robin Hood of happenstance, and you are my Maid Marion, as it were, feeding the poor, so quandary aside, an arrowhead for a bowman?”

That was satisfying.


Please forgive me:

“That’s what she said.”

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Sure I’ll forgive you for that-if you forgive me for this. I’ll have things indubitably never heard for $200 Alex–



Aww, that poor trash panda… I wants to free him, and give him lots of hugs and cat food.


Heeeeeey look at this container of snacks! Don’t mind if I do — SNAP!. Dammit, not this again. Well, while I’m waiting for help may as well help myself to this OTHER container of snacks – SNAP! Oh, right.


I was thinking that perhaps a nice basket of fries fresh out of the fryer…

Edit: should have scrolled down… I see the suggestion popped up.

I’m sure they use large knives to chop SOMETHING at McDonald’s.


I’d be more willing to guess that they have automated tomato/onion slicers. Are they going to spring for the knifeskills classes for minimum wage employees?

I don’t know about now but in the late 90s, the fast food restaurants I worked at had tomato slicers that worked a bit like deli meat slicers but for a whole tomato at a time. The onions were pre-packaged (sometimes dried, others pickled, still others wet packed and vacuum sealed).

I don’t think we had proper knives at all but it’s been while.

Danger aside, it’s hard to cut tomatoes and onions competently. I haven’t noticed a sharp drop-off in the quality of the onion or tomato cutting so I’m guessing they do some combination of cutting machine and pre-packaged whatever still.


Can’t tell if there is a bigger opening behind door 2…

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