Well. . . I suppose he could have been born to a bat mother, but close enough.
Oi! Leave Bat Boy out of this!
I’m glad that you brought up infusion of soul. The argument, as I understand it, is that ‘soul’ exists in the fertilized egg from the moment of fertilization, or perhaps implantation. So to terminate a pregnancy at any point after fertilization is to kill a living soul.
There is no scientific evidence for this, Senator, because there is no scientific evidence for anything related to the soul. So the authority for your claim must come from somewhere else. But where? Scripture disagrees, stating that life begins when the infant takes its first breath. That’s in the Old Testament, of course, but Jesus apparently didn’t see fit to correct the earlier account. So it seems that this notion of ensoulment at fertilization is something that was added on later by a man who felt that the infallible Word of God was insufficiently clear on the subject. That seems a little … presumptuous.
But wait, there’s more. Scientific evidence shows that more pregnancies end in miscarriage than a live birth. The number of ensouled eggs/blastocysts/fetuses lost in this way far exceeds the number lost to abortion, a massacre of astonishing proportions that makes God the nation’s leading abortionist. Wait, I hear you object: God, being omniscient, knows which pregnancies will end in miscarriage, and chooses not to ensoul those eggs. Which raises more questions: does God also know which pregnancies will end in abortion and, if so, does He choose to ensoul those eggs or not? If He doesn’t, why is abortion sinful? If he does, why does He choose to put a soul into an egg that he knows will be killed before it has a chance to draw breath? What exactly is God playing at here?
I’ll give you some time to think about your answers, Senator. Please be prepared to justify your reasoning with reference to the scientific literature.
During the Enlightenment, some “scientists” thought that each sperm cell carried a tiny human being, making the mother little more than an incubator.
Plus ça change…
I believe I heard the young lady’s eyeballs click when she rolled them.
When I realized the elected official is a representative for a state that was formerly in the Confederacy, I had no ideas, except maybe, “Oh well.”
Then how did they explain their justification to blame the mother when the child wasn’t the desired sex?
It’s the Walt Whitman Defense:
“Do I contradict myself? Very well, then, I contradict myself. I am large, I contain multitudes.”
Well, his mother obviously gave birth to him, but there is no evidence that he is “human”.
In defense of said scientists, sperm were much easier to discover than ova. But the idea that children developed from semen with the womb as simply a vessel instead goes back all the way to ancient times, despite the only real evidence then being that they look like both parents.
At least only one of those two is actually a problem, a very reliable source told me…
Back on topic:
Can other states sue the abortion-banning states for fucking with the healthcare of their residents?
I thought this might be a followup to the other recent argument featuring turtles. (Ironically, “Can women give birth to turtles?” might have been a suitable rebuttal in that case.)
The problem seems to be pharmacies/medical providers deciding to limit their legal liability by doing things they aren’t even legally required to do. Time for some lawsuits to push them in the other direction though, I think.
Asshats like this are simply sand in the Democratic machinery, hoping to hamstring it at the behest of their sponsors until the authoritarians can swoop in and seize power.
I have a German friend who did his thesis on Fascism. He was the first to raise the specter of these impostor “representatives” over a decade ago.
None of the states that are pushing abortion banning have paid maternal leave
They think that pregnancy crisis centers handing out diapers and onies is enough to handle that problem…
I think he was also trying to do a “gotcha” on Dr. Jill Biden. I haven’t seen it, but apparently she said something about tacos (maybe breakfast tacos) that the GQP is flipping out over (of course). I guess these right wingers are trying to get their last campaign smart remarks in before they lose (fingers crossed) they lose in November.
Oh, there will be litigation. Massive amounts of it.
In all of this, only the lawyers are truly happy.
Aaand, it’s begun… Though the actual lawsuit is in response to Department of Health and Human Services guidelines about pregnant people having access to abortion if their lives are in danger, something that’s not new and which abortion foes claim they also believe in. But no, Texas isn’t just explicitly saying, “Fuck you, we want people to die,” but are willing to argue it in court…
Now we just need the lawsuits that go after those who prevent access to needed medical care…