Germany's pentathlon coach gets kicked out of the Olympics for punching horse on camera


Fired for punching a horse!




Kim Raisner gets to join the short list of known horse punching arseholes.


I think it’s strange that the cops get away with riding a vulnerable animal into dangerous situations,

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Not terribly surprisingly she was an athlete in this sport before taking up coaching. One wonders if the only part of this that is out of character is being too overt about it; or if animal abuse is genuinely aberrant behavior on her part.


Tom Cruise’s character did the same thing in Far and Away.far-and-awaygif-0d281d

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Horses are big, dangerous animals. They can force their way into crowds and easily trample people and cause serious injury. All while the cops can claim that they can’t control a horse like they can a car, and that the people should have known better and just gotten out of the way of the unpredictable panicked horse with iron shod hooves that had been trained to force it’s way into panicked crowds. Plus, being on a horse gives you a height advantage to see over the heads of the crowd, and extra power to use when swinging the club down on peoples heads.

EDIT to add: Plus, notice you never seem to see horses used in situations where the crowd might fight back. You only see the cavalry brought in to attack manage peaceful protests.

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The horses never got a choice, it was “do as the cops/cavalry say or get abused and go to the glue factory”.

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