Get a personal stylist for a reasonable price

Hey, I’d paid a fair price for this place on AirBnB. Some privacy, please.
BTW, you’re almost out of clean socks.


Waaaaay better than a belt. My heftiest was pushing 280 (let’s be honest with myself :D) and the vertical lines from suspenders are so much more flattering. And comfortable.

Now, if you wear a belt and suspenders we will have words.


I’m a total t-shirt and jeans type and have absolutely zero fashion sense (aside from knowing all the minutiae of a proper kilt ensemble), but I’ve been wanting to fix that. I’ve been tempted to ask a couple of my more stereotypically oriented friends to go all queer eye one of these days.

As near as I can tell, the last man to wear skinny pants without looking like a complete douchebag was Robert Plant. And that was back when Bonham was alive.

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Wait, so I have to pay attention and shop?!?!

::grumble grumble grumble:: well, if that’s what it takes… ::grumble grumble grumble::

Seriously, though, thanks for the pointers. I may have been overthinking this in the past.

Well, at least a few minute’s time and effort will keep you from looking like a complete slob, and IMHO you’d be better syled than some people out there.

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