Originally published at: http://boingboing.net/2017/01/27/get-chai-israel-moving-toward.html
Is decriminalization a step toward legalizations? I guess, in the case of my own home state that was around a 35-40 year step.
The “treatment” strikes me as being a sop towards hard-liners who don’t want to do any of this. As usual, policies have to evolve gradually to meet with any political success.
I would expect these rules to disappear as they inch closer to full legalization.
Ugh, fine, earthlings, have your weed, buuuut also take these fascist dictators and asshole hard-liners.
–The Universe, apparently
What’s this about marijuana-infused chai?
1000 shekels (about $265)
Or about 300 clams…
I’m confused. And I’m no even high.
Sounds about right.
But the title of this thread is “Get chai”, not “Get bhang”.
Doesn’t appear to be a translation from Yiddish or anything…
Hey @pesco why is chai?
Some kind of phoneme sound-alike?
I do believe it is simply for the pun.
But what it is a pun upon? Inquiring minds want to know!
Get high?
Have you followed my instructions which will allow you to decode the pun yet?
Is chai a big thing in Israel?
*blinks twice, really slowly
You must be high.
Which is not pronounced chai.
It’s a pun. Chai is a Hebrew word (and popular necklace charm) that means “life.” Its actually pronounced like “high” but with guttural H like you’re hawking up a loogie. You may have heard the toast “L’chaim” which means, “To life.”
Is it the same ch as in loch?
If so, I can pronounce that.
As with many things in Jewish law, it depends which legal authority you ask/what traditions you adhere to.
1000 shekels, you must be joking …
http://www.montypython.net/scripts/LOB-hagglescene.php. I’ve never been able to take the shekel seriously as a currency, precisely because of this scene.