Get free at-home Covid tests from Uncle Sam starting this week

Since my family all lives in a small home and in constant contact with each other, it seems likely that if one of us has it, all of us have it. Instead of administering a test to each person, can I swab multiple noses with one swab (actually that sounds gross; maybe dip multiple swabs into one solution)? If it comes back negative then we are all clear?

Even if it comes back positive and we’re not sure who has it, we would probably move on to all of us getting PCR tested.

Test pooling is a common way to expand testing. The theory being you test individually after you know someone in the pool is positive.

The current Covid situation seems like a good time for an official at-home version (that doesn’t require sharing swabs).

Covid is odd in that some people in close contact may not get it. My nephew got Covid classic and my sister didn’t. Even though no real attempt at quarantine was made. I was talking to someone yesterday who had the same thing happen a few weeks ago presumably with Omicron.


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