Get ready for LEGO board games!

Originally published at: Get ready for LEGO board games! - Boing Boing

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I remember playing Ludo with LEGO bricks.

[Narrator: “It didn’t end well.”]


Yeah, I played that with my nieces and nephew. It had kind of a Village People vibe to it.

These games look a lot more interesting.


Not the ready-made boardgame version. Bricks. Just bricks.


“Luxury! Why, when I was a lad, we played Ludo using cat turds from the litterbox!”


You had cat turds and your cat had a litter box? Posh.


I’m sure by now someone must have made a proper game out of idly trying to build dice towers and whatnot while waiting for someone else to finish a turn – but considering such a game doesn’t seem to have caught on, perhaps the concept has awaited a refinement such as this.

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It’s not fun for everyone!


That’s just catshit crazy!

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Lego Ludo. So good they named it twice.


LEGO has published some mediocre board games on-and-off for a decade. Mainly roll and move type, none of them great. But it’s really for kids that are a fan of LEGOs. It’s sort of like finding a Super Mario Bros board game (or Jenga clone) to amazing, not likely, sometimes they are good enough.

I repurposed the part from LEGO Heroica series and Minotaurus for some table top roleplaying. (specifically lrion, Draida Bay, Castle Fortaan, Caverns Of Nathuz and Waldurk Forest from the Heroica series). I have lots of goblin microfigures and some zombies too. Which was enough for doing some one-shot dungeon crawls with S&W.

The LEGO dice system is interesting but too weird for me to use it for anything. Perhaps if I switched up the rules to be a d6 system like Tiny D6 or Blades in the Dark then I could go full LEGO.

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