Get your CBD in the most relaxing way with this vape pen that's over 30% off

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If the device kills you, your heirs will get your money back, right? Keep in mind that there are zero FDA standards for these devices or the gunk they put in them.


* caveat emptor.


To the best of my knowledge, none of the injuries were from dispensaries in California. And most dispensaries are actively keeping an eye on what their suppliers are putting in the concentrates. Perhaps not an ideal substitute for FDA regulation, but as we keep cutting the budget on the FDA, USDA, etc we can expect there to be more inherent risk to consumers. (you shouldn’t buy pork raised in the US right now, for example)

That said, these CBD concentrates aren’t handed out by a dispensary, because you don’t need any special state license for them (unlike THC). Therefor anyone can sell them online. Worse, at shopping websites with many sellers, you can think you’re buying something legit only to have another seller swoop in and send a counterfeit.

I guess I’m a Luddite, but I no longer trust online shopping. I need there to be a brick and mortar location that I can visit, and where my lawyer can send legal notices if I get injured by their products.

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With all the merchandise promo “articles” you guys have, it’s getting to the point where you may as well just go all ads or become a catalog or something. Seriously. Do you even realize how many freakin advertisement “articles” you run?
I remember BoingBoing as a zine, and still have a couple issues. What happened guys. What happened. Just sad :frowning:


Well, I guess the server rent needs paying from time to time.

As to the advertised item…(@Tomindc2, @anon32019413) this article might shed some light on the possible cause of some issues with vaping:


And did we tell you the name of the game, boy?
We call it "Riding the Gravy Train.”


Why is that? (I genuinely don’t know.)


yes, because putting smoke anything into your lungs is a good idea. SMH

Specifically pork processed by one of the major facilities as the regulations have changed to allow factory employees to “inspect” the meat while an FDA inspector looks on from above. If you get your pork from a local farm and butcher you trust you should be safe.


Can someone explain CBD to me. I’m seeing a lot of energy drinks with CBD in the UK which is surprising to me as I know THC in weed is banned, so I guess I assumed CBD was.

CBD is the non-psychoactive component in cannabis. It won’t get you high. So, it’s quickly become a legal thing to make and market.

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I have tried cbd gummies, and I’m still not convinced that they aren’t just an elaborate hoax and are as effective as any other placebo.


It’s like homeopathy for hipsters.


I am sure that some are complete bunk. But, last year my sister gave me a CBD truffle that took away my shoulder pain for three days, a pain that I’d been dealing with for weeks. The real fix was physical therapy, but the CBD helped in a temporary way, and it was strikingly effective. This was in California, and the thing was like $20, so this is not that. But, my N of 1 is that some CBD products are efficacious.

I look forward to the day that real research can be done on this sort of thing without the reefer madness bullshit from the Feds.


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