You’ll laugh, you’ll sneeze!
Sarah Silverman as Hitler - “All these comparisons to Trump…it bums me out.”
8-bit Continue and Save, Continue Without Save
just look at it banana knife chexmix chex mix chemex glass party in a peel magic stop motion pixilation is that a wristband or a watch with the face on the inside of the wrist
little girl crying one of the olsen twins full house black and white bow in hair much sadness so heartbreak
Need a dedicated hotkey for pasting this.
bunny water fight
“Shut it! Shut it! Shuuuuuuuut Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup!”
[I’m well aware that the gif is editing out the part where the adult parrot huks up a huge pre-masticated-fruit mouth turd and drops it on the chick.]
burning tire swingset playground warm and toasty smoke signal bat signal boing signal
I saw that pic on Reddit the other day and was going to post it here before I saw that you beat me to it.
That cat. It’s got that look like, “I’ve just seen some shit, man…”
For when a new sock puppet appears?
Need more Science Guy
For when @japhroaig says he needs a drink