Global Sriracha shortage threatens all life on earth, tastiness of all of the foods

Yes. Yes, it is.

My precious!

Sriracha and Nutella were/are the yin and yang of crack-like instant addiction for moi.

You’ll find the sauce is plenty popular in Australia, and it is much better than your average hot sauce, at least for the rather “plain” style (as opposed to smokey, barbeque, chipotle, etc).

You are entirely right, but I tend to link this to the Americanisation of culture here which has largely happened over the last 5 years thanks to teh interwebs. I would contend that the recent uptick in meat smoking/rib cooking can also be attributed to this.

The good news is that if our American brethren are jonesing for a hit, they can always rely on us being able to send their sauces back to them (at a ridiculous markup, of course)

Time to hit up your local Thai store and get the real thing. Shark Brand sriracha sauce is awesome. especially in soup. The Huy Fong stuff is passable for what it is but it isn’t really close to the traditional sauce.

IKR!? If something in the fridge seems a little off, I just pour on the hot sauce and go. No worries!

An as for the shortage, no worries there, either! My pantry:

Also, sriracha is not only the one we call cock sauce. Many brands:

Yeah, they’re on the merctic system over there.

This needs to be a city.   Sriracha, California.

Xeni was just being cinematic and colorful. The joke was (and I shouldn’t have to explain this) is that the quest for sriracha is like some post-apocalyptic movie, hence the image from “The Road” (2009) with the sriracha bottle photoshopped in.

I actually agree with this. I actually like Tuong Ot Toi better:

Sriracha is just pleasing to eat, not too spicy, goes down easy. It’s the new ketchup.

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They can have my cock when they pry it from my cold, stiff fingers!


The concern about bacteria smells off to me (yup). Reportedly, the recipe hasn’t changed for 30 years and I’m unaware of any incidents of contamination or food poisoning linked to it. For two, wiki also reports they it’s also certified kosher, which while not the same as food regulations, does imply an additional level of oversight of the manufacturing.

@maggiek, any insights from the food safety/science side of things?

I think this is the one that’s the most prevalent in a good chunk of the country, and well, at least 80% of the country would stare at you like you’re insane if you suggest “your local Asian grocer”. You won’t find many of those outside of certain major cities, most of them on the coasts.

And I have had several variations of sriracha style sauce, and this company’s particular one really is the best to my tastes. It’s not the end of the world or anything, but part of the “internet hysteria” that made this go viral is that the sauce got wildly popular very quickly, and just as it really hit, it’s going to get rather hard to get for a while.

Also, be happy for anything that gives the NSA more noise to sort through on the internet is a good thing.

“According the LA Times, the California Department of Public Health is enforcing a 30-day hold on the company’s products because no ingredients in their sauces are cooked. The idea is that the hold “helps ensure the sauce is free of harmful microorganisms for the duration of its shelf life” explains a DOH rep.”

“Chili, sugar, salt, garlic, distilled vinegar, potassium sorbate, sodium bisulfite and xanthan gum.”

At least 4 anti-bacterials. I don’t think the California Department of Public Health knows wtf they’re talking about.

Really? I’ve never even heard of it. Maybe “plenty popular” with people who think tabasco is a seasoning.

It isn’t?

This is why I hate food trends. The snobbery that comes with the belief that one’s tastes are more refined because of inside sauce knowledge. It’s fuel. It comes out as shit. Do you hear people boasting about the artisanal petrol they put in their cars?

Yeah, remind me to never go out to dinner with you…

Food in my books is as much an art as music or literature. Good cooking is a wonderful thing. So are good condiments.

Speculation is that the…sudden outburst of actual regulatory scrutiny… has something to do with the ongoing litigation between town and factory over their alleged emissions of acrid chili fumes at levels high enough to constitute a public nuisance.

Such selective enforcement would be deeply distasteful, the Department of Public Health should stick to their mandate rather than picking off high-profile outfits who draw attention for other reasons; but Team Sriracha has apparently not been making friends in the neighborhood lately.

To be fair, “in town” might not be the best place for a smelly factory, and there’s plenty of rotting industrial infrastructure that’s away from residential areas. I learned this from SimCity.