Go and vote

Way too many assholes live up here.

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I can’t exactly criticize after Texas did what everyone expected.

Have I mentioned that I hate the Electoral College System?


What I’m getting is that America has a death wish. Or worships some kind of death cult.

The four states voting on the death penalty collectively thought “You know what? That sounds like a great idea!”

Worse than that, though, is that the Der Ubertangerine will be taking the US into at least one voluntary war within the next 12-18 months and a lot of young Americans are going to die, probably including some of those I was working with earlier this month. And the odds are good that the rest of us will get dragged into it as well.

Good luck guys, you’re going to need it.


I see it as an opportunity to replace countries with something more modern. Societies have changed a lot in 200+ years.


No, the criticism is completely valid.


The most valuable role I’ve ever had in a campaign is being the person who never, ever, gives up the refrain of “It ain’t over til it’s over, ever, campaign as if you’re losing by a hair until the last poll closes”

How many people stayed home because Clinton was a shoe-in, or voted for tongue-talker or the green-branded one because hey hey why not? I actually have no problem with any vote made on principle and despise the two-party system, I am speaking only to the gleeful deception of unwarrranted confidence.

And i’ve always held that it is more powerful to give someone unhappy something to vote for than to vote against, or even the vote to preserve what one has. Despite her seemingly positive messaging, Clinton was ever a vote against selection for so very many. And despite his negative, attacking messaging, Trump was ever a vote for, for so very many. In convoluted ways this is what they were.

That good ol song, Eve of Destruction, this isn’t the original artist, just something I saw in my timeline today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCAGjRgQp2k

Change Destruction to Disruption. Or not, a call to vote for either will be more powerful than a call to vote against either in an atmosphere of any discontent.

In any case, the first ones against the wall when a real revolution happens might be the pollsters, Nate being intelligent enough to refuse absolutes is commendable, probably won’t be enough.


Trump is a hell of a gateway drug…


Global Technocracy FTW


Well, I think it’s local technocracy FTW. Once your group hits a population of 1000 or so, it splits. There is no way that groups of millions of people can truly agree upon anything in any depth. Countries are pure Stockholm syndrome. A good compromise I think is having a global framework for autonomous local groups. But that’s the stuff of another topic.


i agree, was harping more for a global abandonment of price systems, since IMO any local technocracy would be hampered if their neighbours clung to vast price systems. But anyway you’re right, StarTrek futures must be another thread because the future presenting in this thread…

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Well, at least Gary Johnson is happy:

More proof that we’re living in the “goatee” universe.


Always a bad trip.

Gary Johnson can take his clueless ass on a long walk off a short pier. I don’t think many at all who would potentially vote for Trump were Johnson voters, but plenty of potential Clinton voters were.


I read that at first as “goatse universe”! Ugh… I am tired and silly, but upset. Not sure how I am going to get much good rest tonight.


Goatse guy as president? That would be a pretty big stretch.

ETA: I’ve officially lost my mind.


It’s official. We’ve fallen through our own butthole.


Celebrating what exactly? He lost, he pissed away whatever support he had, and he never had any chance of winning to begin with.


There are things bigger than an US election. Sure, it’s a bummer right now, but there are things that can open minds so wide, it can encompass all of us. As for any hopes for the future, well, it hasn’t wrecked 'em.

Dumb jokes are all I got. Soz. Humour’s my coping mechanism.


Save us from the Anti-“Bob”!


I wanted to post a better version, in the sense ‘you can understand the text’, but after listening the song I’m going to refrain from that.