That vibe got updated;
We had those. One of them has the scariest-looking version of Satan I’ve ever seen to this day. And that includes in Chick tracts.
Ah, the End Times. Coming to you in 100 AD, what? How about 200 AD? How about, oh, never mind.
You know if he forgot to put covers on his TPI reports maybe he deserved to get the sack.
Modern man does not know how to communicate with god
Taking a day off every week is good for you? Who knew?
White Jesus Speaks To Rupert
That’s great. Not sure if the artist intended it but knowing that the soldier in the original picture wasn’t even praying makes it funnnier.
I grew up with that book and all of the other SDA stuff and even attended their schools for 12 years - including 4 years of boarding high school. It’s amazing I can even think.
Most funerals I go to (far too many last year), people are still buried in clothes they rarely wore in life.
I remember those illustrations from my middle single digits and somehow I conflated them with comic book illustrations. Granted, they’re different styles but the idea of comic book characters never left. In my narrative, invisible Bronze Age superheroes were given immense arbitrary superpowers and the whole world fell for it while I got laughed at for throwing down 12 cents of my hard-earned allowance for a Thor comic.
Love this book! Found a copy at Community Thrift a decade ago, I was enchanted by its many pro-apocalypse illustrations. I bought a few more used copies to give as gifts to strange friends.
I still have a copy or two in the prophecy section of the Whybrary, my esoteric library-museum in the Mission — which I’m trying to save. Find out more about this SF resource at the Whybrary fundraiser < gofundme / whybrary > also check out some pics and shelfies < instagram / thewhybrarysf >.
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