7 posts were split to a new topic: Patagonia
Glad it’s coming down, and I hope the environmental impact (from the debris and unnecessary changes to wildlife patterns) will be resolved soon:
At the very least, I hope a Mexican scrapper could sell the scrap metal for some cash.
YES! Now do Florida…
Great to see this kind of work win the American Book Award.
Here, Gerald Horne argues forcefully that, in order to understand the arrival of colonists from the British Isles in the early seventeenth century, one must first understand the “long sixteenth century”—from 1492 until the arrival of settlers in Virginia in 1607. During this prolonged century, Horne contends, “whiteness” morphed into “white supremacy,” and allowed England to co-opt not only religious minorities but also various nationalities throughout Europe, thus forging a muscular bloc that was needed to confront rambunctious Indigenes and Africans. In retelling the bloodthirsty story of the invasion of the Americas, Horne recounts how the fierce resistance by Africans and their Indigenous allies weakened Spain and enabled London to dispatch settlers to Virginia in 1607. These settlers laid the groundwork for the British Empire and its revolting spawn that became the United States of America.
My god, those things are massive.
They definitely have the right of way!
“ An adult moose is about 7-8 feet at the shoulders. When they look upright, they could be as tall as 10 feet if you factor in the head and the horns.”
10 feet long too.
That’s scary large.
Still - I would love to see one that close up. From safety.
aLl ThE nOrTh AmErICaN mEgAfAuNa ArE eXtInCt.
Don’t tell the grizzlies! Or kodiaks. Bison burger anyone?