Google has no product testers for Chromecast

Or sense, apparently. My phone’s pretty annoying to use around other people’s Chromecast stuff. Glad I have Roku at home.!topic/chromecast/00b79rIKacA


That’s kind of funny, actually. We would have loved for something like this to be a thing when we were in school (of course, mobile phones were barely a thing then, but hey).


“Mechanized Death? Again? Lets switch to a filmstrip about cats.”


I used to work at the big G, and yeah, there were not a whole lot of testers for, well, anything (EDIT: There were some, and they were very good at what they did, but they were always stretched way too thin in my group at least). Just internal beta distributions.

I’m sure some engineer decided that this was convenient functionality and decided to “solve” the problem. Lots of solutions over there…


Wow this is crazy! And that topic is nuts too!


I have not run into this problem using my iPhone, now I’m curious what would happen if I could get my tablet up and running again.

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Personally, I really hate this due to its constant desire to cast to anything at any given time. And there’s no shutoff switch.


With months going by. It’s not like streaming was ever going to be a core biz for them, but the TVs without options to put a real OS in place nor have a reasonable fix or rollback… shrug. Glad I didn’t wind up with that bullshit.

Has anyone jailbroke a TV and installed opensuse? Asking for a friend.


That’s just messed up. I’m glad I never wasted money on a Chromecast. So far (gnock on wood) I’ve not had to deal with getting tripped up on someone else’s either. Silly me, I expected better from the big G.


I have a Chromecast here I ordered for testing. I haven’t gotten around to testing it yet… but as Android devices currently fucking suck because Qualcomm, I have only iPhones and iPads to test with anyhow.

So I suppose I am immune to this issue, then? Because it requires Android devices talking to the Chromecast?

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I’m impressed. It would appear that Google managed to build a ‘just connect me to that screen over a network, damn it’ mechanism that sucks even worse that ‘airplay’; potentially even worse than ‘miricast’.

And that takes some doing.

All of these ‘consumer focused’…things…are more or less hopeless in larger scale scenarios(which, these days, includes stuff like ‘roommates’; but it just gets worse if you are talking campus wifi or the like).At least with ‘airplay’ devices, there is the little pairing processes and once you do that things usually remain between you and the device you have paired with(which doesn’t solve the problem of every device on campus showing up; or a randomly selected half of them showing up because ‘autodiscovery’ isn’t quite fully baked; and airplay receviers do all kinds of awful DNS weirdness to make themselves known). It would appear that Team Mountain View hasn’t even gotten to that point.

Then there is miricast, the deliberately crippled child. For reasons involving either insanity or DRM, maybe both, that one completely ignores the network infrastructure conveniently available and insists on setting up a janky ad-hoc point-to-point connection between the two devices. It’s pitiful.

Honestly, good old VNC compares pretty favorably with its contemporary alternatives; which is utterly pathetic because VNC is older than most pantheons and was designed to operate under fairly severe computational constraints; and without the benefit of modern codecs and authentication mechanisms.

I realize that there were distinct downsides to the bad old days of obeisance to the mainframe priesthood; but stuff born for consumer networks is just so awful.

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Because it requires Android devices talking to the Chromecast?

I believe so.

Well, wow.

That’s, like… bad.

I guess QA consists of a slightly greasy puddle of coffee next to the filter pot.


Maybe I’m missing something. If so I apologize but you can definitely cast to chromecast from an iPhone.


Yeah sort of.

True story, I had a macbook air with a faulty speaker circuit. This thing leaves macOS in a weird state where it is constantly hunting for speakers. The hunting always went well so it managed to connect to my AppleTV every time it tried with no simple way of disabling. So, you hit YouTube and AppleTV stops playing what it was playing and suddenly starts playing audio from the computer.

I had the option of either not using my computer while people were watching shows, or figuring something out.

Now every AirPlay in the house has a password.

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