Google killing uBlock Origin, Chrome's most popular ad blocker

What do you need to migrate? If it’s your details etc. browsers allow you to import settings from each other. Extensions don’t necessarily quite map between browsers.

but if we dont…you already said why we have to in april;


This makes me glad I’ve held on as a Firefox user. Though it’s been less that great lately… I just had Hulu stop working and through reddit found a setting that fixed it in Firefox. It MAY have been related to uBlock Origin, I am not sure…


Ha! Yeah, uBO, not UBI. Not sure whether fat fingers or autocorrect, but definitely on mobile and without reading glasses…


I do…!


In Firefox, click the ≡ button (hamburger menu) in the upper right corner, then pick “Bookmarks”, then pick “Manage Bookmarks”. In the Library window that pops up (I don’t know why it’s not also called Bookmarks), click the “Import and Backup” menu button, then “Import Data from Another Browser” and select your profile in Chrome, or whatever browser you’re migrating from. Click Import and it will copy your data into Firefox.


Why, since Brave already blocks ads?


there was a point a long while back where Firefox bloated up and became super slow, while Chrome was sleek and fast. Especially if you were designing heavy websites, Chrome was super then. I think there hasn’t been enough of a difference since then for people to switch back. Maybe now?


Honestly I really noticed it in early/mid 2020 people kept on saying “my broadband is really slow” and you’d take a look at their resource usage and Chrime was killing their computer, hogging the memory, bandwidth, and thrashing the processor.

Mostly the memory though. It defaults to eating your computer.

You can use it, just about, for browsing the web, but that’s not its purpose and it is terrible at it.


Mostly laziness, I guess? I moved from Chrome, and already had uBO running there, so didn’t change anything.

I also had to update uBO manually to continue to block YT ads at some point, so there was evidence Brave couldn’t and having both was useful.


I see.

FWIW, Brave always does block YT ads for me.


more options than build in hence finetuning?

e/ @Karyudo;


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That’s good to know. I started with Brave for the privacy focus, and didn’t know about (or later, research) its ad-blocking proficiency.

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I think it’s because you can also access History and Downloads from there. If you select “Show All History” from the History menu you get the same LIbrary popup window, but with the History section selected instead of the Bookmarks section; if you select “Downloads” from the Tools menu, you again get the Library window, but with the Downloads section selected.

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Pihole doesn’t do a thing for YouTube ads, since the ads come from the same domain as the video. However ad-block plugins are effective in blocking YouTube ads, since they have access to the HTML, CSS, etc., code that switches between the video and the ads that are served. That’s something that pihole was not designed for nor ever intended to do.


I’m pretty skeptical about Brave’s privacy, since it’s built on Chromium, which is designed from it’s very foundation to send all your sweet, sweet user data directly to Google.

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It’d be nice (are you listening, Brave execs?) if that function could be turned off. :angry:

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You can try Ultimate.Hosts.Blacklist for a free option. Good reviews!

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Brave may be nice, but its founder, Brendan Eich, is a piece of garbage techbro of the worst kind. Anti-same-sex marriage, and now a COVID denier, I would not support anything he’s involved in.

Mozilla pressured him to resign, which is when he left to create Brave. He’s even created a shit-coin for use in Brave, just in case there was some unburned fuel left on this planet.

I won’t even consider Brave.


Ugh, thanks, didn’t know that.

Anyone know if uBO can be added to Firefox on a phone? Or, maybe Firefox has its own adblock setting?