Google not altering search results to benefit Hillary Clinton

Maybe Google is just uncomfortable with having an algorithm suggesting that people search for other people’s crimes.

Otherwise known as “Don’t be Evil”.

Oh well.

Excuse me. I must pay proper homage to the dark lord.


Right on.


Type in “Crooked Hill” you do not get Crooked Hillary. Type in “Crooked Hilla” you get Crooked Hillary Bernie

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Also no suggestions are offered for “donald trump law sui”

Presuming you’re looking for “lawsuit”, that’s normally used as one word. And “Donald Trump lawsui” does return some interesting suggestions.


it took me a minute to realize that this article is not true.

Also, the ONLY thing that Google suggested WAS “crime.”

Spelling helps.


As others pointed out upthread, if you type in only a last name you get “crimes” If you type first and last name you don’t. “madoff cr” gets me crimes. “bernie madoff cr” gets me just cricket. But the same goes for Clinton. “hilary clinton cr” gives me no crimes, “clinton cr” gives me “crimes” “criminal” “criminal investigation.”

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