It does feel like weird is losing.
But no-one is not weird.
No two ppl are alike.
Money is behind this all. Money and pearl necklaces (I pun).
Here in the UK we have a steady stream of judges prosecuted for sexual misadventure.
Is it truly hard to set up an alternative reddit?
Good article and thesis, though rather hypocritical coming from a sex blogger who litigiously harassed a porn star performing under the same name out of her own stage name by disingenuously alleging said sex worker had adopted said blogger’s persona.
You can make whatever site you like provided it isn’t actually illegal, but it will die in obscurity if the search engines virtually everyone uses don’t allow them to find it. Google and other tech corporations are just one link in the problem though. It’s a classic tragedy of the commons meets late-stage capitalism. The modern internet is driven by ad revenue, and anything that scares away even a fraction of the revenue is verboten. In a world more afraid of human sexuality than literal Nazis, you get more of the latter than the former.
Setting up megascale Reddit clones isn’t hard. It’s kicking off the Nazis that is.
In 2015, Voat - a reddit clone - had its single largest week of user activity. It was bonkers. That was also the only week chat was enabled. There was this AOL rooms feel to it, with several large rooms having thousands of simultaneous users.
And then came the Gators and Nazis on day 2. Voat’s management decided to protect the Gators and the Nazis because “free speech is Paramount”. It turns out though, that when you allow Nazi speech on your site, the only speech posted to the site will be Nazi speech.
Apparently Gab is getting on this whole Nazi speech Reddit clone business. Which isn’t surprising given their userbase is mainly Nazis. And Gab is damn near out of funds.
Mumsnet became home of the TERFs almost exclusively. As we saw, Voat became colonized by Nazis. Gab was always a pro-ethnofash site.
Sited that want to scale huge, fast are ones that sell their soul to fricking Nazis.
The cure for Nazi speech is to kick the goddamn Nazis out.
ironic we’re talking about google’s censorship but not @orenwolf’s
You can make whatever site you like provided it isn’t actually illegal, but it will die in obscurity if the search engines virtually everyone uses don’t allow them to find it. Google and other tech corporations are just one link in the problem though. It’s a classic tragedy of the commons meets late-stage capitalism. The modern internet is driven by ad revenue, and anything that scares away even a fraction of the revenue is verboten. In a world more afraid of human sexuality than literal Nazis, you get more of the latter than the former.
Sounds like we need to bring back web rings. (Kids: they’re like podcast networks but for websites).
I’m only half kidding BTW - if a large site like Boing Boing joins the ring, google’s page rank algorith would immediately index all the members.
Let’s all self host static hand crafted artisinal sites filled with tables and gifs.
We can make the internet great again

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