Just once, I’d like to see someone ask one of these “Dems are trying to make America into Venezuela!” clowns if they can even point out Venezuela on a map.
Is it me or were the words “perform better” at 00:21 especially accented as if to connect with the overall denigrating tone?
It is a strange set of affairs when the only time you believe in evolution is when it allows you to be secretly racist.
Better advice:
Lets not bigot this up by electing a GOP candidate…
Lets not racist this up by electing a GOP candidate…
Lets not nazi this up by electing a GOP candidate…
I know this is tempting and i understand the nature of the joke, but this is absolutely not about “Florida man”. This is about white men. Or, really, white people. The construct of whiteness, made to protect and serve those who meet some ever-changing but never all-accommodating idea of the in group, is what is at fault for this. It appears again and again, in the north and the south, in the east and the west, among the old and the young. Until we can move beyond in-groups and out-groups* we will not grow as a species.
* A job, by the way, that should be on the shoulders of those who are at or near the top of the societal hierarchy (i.e., white men like me need to do a lot more of the work).
I saw several people on Twitter pointing out exactly that. I didn’t hear it or the other emphases that people pointed out, but my ears were cringing the whole time.
wow, that guy really “entitled white male racist-upped” up that news segment…
I guess we know who we can blame that on. Mr.
It’s really inexplicable how all these people getting caught saying racist things have such a storied history of being part of (and/or running) virulently racist groups.
If only there were some sort of leader figure that a shit ton of white people claim to believe in that had statements about treating all men equally, and loving thy neighbor as thyself…
I agree though, and greatly look forward to the continuation of the apparent trend of racial admixture that seems to have become more common in the last couple of generations. It’s harder to hate people simply on their race if you’re a bit of a mutt yourself (spoken as a “heinz 57” kid myself). When I was a kid, it wasn’t that common, and it makes me smile each time I see “hapa” kids as I know that they won’t face a lot of the crap I did (if only because they’re much more common nowadays).
So dumb he thinks his supporters need a dog whistle to know that Gillum is African-American. I mean, dog whistling the obvious. What will these high intelligence stable geniuses think of next?
My personal hot take: while this guy is most likely as racist as a lot of his compatriots, I don’t think he’s simply playing the race card here or appealing to racists with a dog-whistle.
He and other GOP’ers do this kind of thing, more than anything, to “own the libs”. It’s a dogwhistle that’ll honestly fly over the heads of their constituents but will rile up the liberals and get lots of headlines. All publicity is good publicity, even if it’s for a 3rd-grade-level insult. (“I didn’t actually call him a monkey! You’re the racist for calling me a racist!”)
It’s like 4th Monday here.
It’s always worse than you think.
Can someone else please post the Bugs Bunny sawing off Florida into the Gulf of Mexico gif? I did it last time.
Edit: Thank you, @anon61221983
Anyone really surprised about a racist comment made by a Trump backed candidate? The guy who said “women are dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals” or how he mocked a disabled person or how he equivocated nazis and protesters.
That’s kind of amazing. This is the actual banner image of the FB group that DeSantis was the admin for (up until yesterday).
I’m surprised the flag below isn’t with them:
I had been noticing them all over the place and recently took the trouble to see what the fuck they represent. Predictably, it’s another covert nativist dig at the “other”, while supposedly “supporting law enforcement.” And, gee, it appeared at Charlottesville, among the racist demonstrators:
Re: The “blue lines” in NJ. This is so Coco-For-Cocopuffs crazy, it is scarcely believable. There are so many things wrong with this. It is political speech. On a roadway. And who are drawing the blue lines (the police, or their proxies): you’re not going to get arrested (or shot) when you vandalize a roadway with a blue line. If you don’t agree with the blue line political speech, just how do you stop your neighbor? call the police? In a different neighborhood, should you try to draw a black line in the middle of the road, you may very well get arrested (or shot).
Have you seen this bootlicking crap?