GOP lawmakers attempt to define gay marriage as 'parody'

Why split hairs about what religion is okay and just have the government be independent of marriage and leave it to religious ceremonies of anyone’s choosing. All people, regardless of orientation, can separately apply to the government for civil unions.

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Austin can remain an enclave of the U.S.


That’s how it’s done in France. You can even have a civil ceremony presided by the mayor.

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Put it on an MP3 player on a loop, through a 2kW PA, and yell it at your neighbourhood.

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I had a boss with those view, and he liked talking. The great irony, which I only realized years later, was that we worked for the state. (see other thread re: youth voting, I was not politically bright at 19)

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Well, I’ve always considered Christian marriage to be a sick parody of real marriage the way my ancestors practiced it…


And why should a church get tax benefits to begin with?

Why should I abandon my question and answer yours?

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In Germany as well, I believe. All marriages are registered by the local magistrate, and afterwards you have a religious ceremony of your preference (or not, if you don’t want one).

It looks to me like these GOP lawmakers are a parody of conservatism.


In my late teens/early twenties I thought marriage had become a bit of a parody. It seemed like an institution about men owning women that had been hanging on by it’s nails for a long time. Legalizing gay marriage was a big part of legitimizing marriage for me. I don’t think I’d be straight-married today otherwise.


…religion of Secular Humanism…

Interesting. It’s only a religion when the Christian Taliban want to hold their noses when pointing to something. Other times, it’s not. Because “freedom of religion” would grant Secular Humanism some status under the 1st Amendment, and we can’t have that!


Even in Texas you don’t have to be married in a religious ceremony.

Three elements must be present to form a common law marriage in Texas.
First, you must have “agreed to be married.”
Second, you must have “held yourselves out” as husband and wife. You must have represented to others that you were married to each other. As an example of this, you may have introduced you partner socially as “my husband,” or you may have filed a joint income tax return.
Third, you must have lived together in this state as husband and wife.

If the couple doesn’t do anything beyond this it’s “informal” (which is potentially very messy and complicated if one tries to divorce the other; also it makes it difficult or impossible to claim the other as a spouse for job benefits, for example). But it’s possible to go down to the county clerk, say “we’re married,” pay the fee, and get a certificate that recognizes the informal marriage (i.e. so that it’s legal on paper).

“On paper”—seeing that makes me realize how much it all has to do with reading and writing…and record-keeping. i.e., it would seem that the main purpose of legal marriage is to be able to keep records. Which means, I suppose, that it all comes down to…what? inheritance of property? And keeping the wealth concentrated in certain families, I suppose. And as we’ve seen in terms of race, inherited wealth has a lot to do with power. So, it seems like attempts to keep LGBTs from marrying isn’t just about not wanting to see individuals happy, but about attempting to keep others poor and powerless…

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Conservatives are so desperate to justify their nonsense. I remember one time a judge in Oklahoma denied a trans person (I believe they were an FTM trans man) a name change because it was “fraudulent.” The state supreme court I believe knocked him down but the fact these jerk wads don’t get the idea that individual freedom means you don’t get a say in another person’s life. You can yuck someone’s yum but you can’t make a law against it so long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. Frankly, I just wish conservatives would get their collective heads out of their collective asses and ditch the social issues for once.


These are Parody Politicians. The bill was killed in committee, so it’s not a danger, but the parody politicians are still there, doing damage every day.

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