GOP senator: abolish hand-washing regulations in restaurants

That depends on your definition of “working.” I’m sure making billions while saps take empty, and/or harmful capsules is some people’s very definition of the thing…

I’m preeeeety sure that’s what advertising is for. Man, some people just don’t get it /s

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And sometimes the invisible hand gets behind you and pushes you off a cliff. That was 2008.


Don’t forget the sign that says whether or not they actually follow the policies posted on the other signs.


Why would the senator limit his opt out plan only to eating and drinking establishments? Why not extend the same freedoms to doctors and dentists? “Yes, I just used the potty, but I know you won’t bind me filling that tooth.”

It’s a good law and I hope it’s mostly followed. I still would have eaten the pizza Poppy made after he took that dump because a pizza oven is 600 degrees.

Can we please regulate people picking at their facial hair while they are serving food? I can’t stand that.

Not sure what you mean, but if you are worried about the folks on the other side of the fence I am also introducing a line of bubble boy products for those who no longer have the luxury of herd immunity to protect them…

However, my “heart” is really invested in the iron lung line… Right now, we have three “lifestyle lines”: guns-n-Jesus, granola, and the Jenny McCarthy-n-friends line.


It’s all in the employee’s TOS agreement that they agree to follow each day when they sign into the cash register.

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I am glad someone is picking specific regulations to quibble with, it moves us from just debating principles to discussing real issues. I believe that both extremes “Everything must be regulated” and “There must not be regulations” are wrong.

In terms of specifics, what regulations do you see as overkill?

I pledge myself to turn the clock back to 1899, when a silver dollar bought a steak dinner and a good piece of ass. (thunderous applause as a plane writes September 17th 1899 in the sky in smoke)

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I propose we rename this man as “Poo-hands” Tillis. Pass it on! If we get enough people to participate we might be able to…

( •

Make it stick.


I don’t see what the big deal is. Where I work, numerous people don’t wash their hands after using the terlet.

20 years ago, this wasn’t an issue because the Republican Party had 20 fewer years promoting an anti-science agenda.

We can’t believe what scientists tell us is the best course of action because they are Godless heathens. We can trust Republican politicians to tell us what to do because they get all their information from talking to Jesus.


I want to live in a world where such things would actually show in advertisings, and the plebs would demand and understand them…

Most regulations that politicians and our corporate overlords rail against exist because of a history of bad behavior by business owners or corporations. The people complaining also need to list the specific regulations they have a problem with (they never do). Here are a few regulations that were put in place as a result of past abuse of workers or customers:

If you work for someone they have to pay you.
If you work for someone they have to pay you in money rather than company scrip.
Drivers of multi-ton cargo vehicles have maximum driving hours and minimum rest hours.
Drugs have to be safe for human consumption and you need to prove they work before doctors can prescribe them.
Restaurants must maintain a certain level of cleanliness and proper food storage.
Chemical plants must store dangerous/explosive items safely
Buildings must meet certain minimum standards so they don’t collapse or turn into firetraps.
Cars must pass inspection periodically to prove they are safe to share our roads
You need to vaccinate your pet against a dangerous and easily transmitted disease.


I was just observing that making an ironic observation of the iron lung industry was dark, as in black humor :slight_smile:

(I like dark humor, but it sucks when it is also true)

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I know – just playing my heartless industrialist role…

This this guy wants a future where I can no longer assume that a restaurant I go to is run in a safe manner. Instead, at best, I will have to read a 300 page manual on what regulations they follow and don’t follow. Or, we can simply allow for lawsuits to handle these issues, which, in effect, will result in common law. Of course this person probably also wants to make restaurants immune from lawsuits, claiming it is up to the customer to investigate a restaurant to make sure it is healthy.

I guess the entire concept of public health is beyond him.


Abolishing hand-wringing in the Senate seems more useful.

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Wanting to return to the 1800s requires some knowledge of what the 19th century was actually like, something guys like this clearly don’t have. There needs to be some sort of educational requirement or mandatory history lessons for politicians. Those politicians too dumb to think things through for themselves can at least have some knowledge of what conditions were like before particular regulations and laws were put in place and why they were passed to begin with. This is just embarrassing.

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Good luck telling your boss that you won’t enter a building because of a warning sign. (I tried, once.)

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