GOP senator: abolish hand-washing regulations in restaurants

Doesn’t this run afoul of the Sherman Act? GOP congresspeople seem to have a monopoly on saying stupid sh1t lately.

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Really? I don’t - that is, I don’t want to live in a world where learning that kind of minutiae would be important. Because it wouldn’t just be understanding this one issue - there are a million other similarly important things as well. All the elements of vehicle safety - aircraft, automobiles, boats, trains; building construction and fire safety; product safety - including material science; food issues from farm to table (so understanding issues around pesticides, herbicides, water use, sustainable practices, food handling and thus bacteriology, virology, etc.), and so on. It would be more than a full-time job - there’s a reason we have specialists, because it’s just far too much information to deal with.


If you count the amount of time and effort that goes into handling sports scores, movie actors, celebrities, other-people-gossips and other deadly-boring stuff people keep talking about, which can add up to a whole fulltime-job scale, and more.

I want a world where I can show up in a pub and chat up a random stranger about (say) the ARINC bus technology and not get a blank stare. (Edit: Even “ARINC? Is it that airplane stuff?” would be good enough.)

If that means that the soccer-people will get blank stares instead, well, would be more than worth the cost.

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Heck, even these folks will have more work than they can handle…


And don’t forget:


Happy Birthday to the poster boy for injections…

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It’s not beyond him - he just doesn’t give a fuck. Because he presumes that the kind of restaurants HE eats in already require their employees to wash their hands.

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Amen. By forcing restaurants to mandate hand-washing of their employees, Big Government has again regulated away a market opportunity.

Let the baristas focus on making coffee. If the market decides there is a demand for their hands to be washed, some entrepreneur will rise up to provide that hand-washing service.

Think of the economic stimulus that would be created by all of those hand-jobs.


The problem is that they did take history - just from the Koch Industries ™ Brand History Books, as adopted by the Great State of Texas. You know, the ones that leave out all the longhaired hippy shit.

What they NEED is to take a course using one of Howard Zinn’s books, while also spending their evenings volunteering in a soup kitchen or something. Forget mandatory military service - let’s have mandatory liberal arts education and public service.


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