GOP wants to get rid of overdraft fee limits

see if any of my Trumpeteer relatives can defend this shit sandwich.

See stepdad quote from @singletona082 above.


Please find me one person–just one, anywhere–who is happy to pay an overdraft fee. Ever.


It’s pretty language to say that “We need legislative change X because we’re not making enough money”. And as a person who regularly pays with a debit card (as credit–never, ever, do I use my PIN to purchase something), I’m still pissed off at how hard the credit/debit pay terminals try to get users to pay via debit.

“Slide your card, then press cancel, then press VISA credit…AWWWW, you pressed the green okay button instead of the red cancel button–now we have to do it all over again.” Absolutely maddening.


It doesn’t matter because he said he’s going to ban abortion. That is literally the most important thing these people care about.


One would think so, but the people affected by these things who vote GOP (at least 20% of the electorate) are suckers who believe that one day they’ll have a shot at screwing over poor people.


Except, regarding the senators themselves, it seems like there are only two options. Either they believe all this (which, in my opinion, would make them ridiculously out of touch) or there’s a majority of elected officials willing to throw a lot of people under a bus.

I’m pretty cynical, but I have a hard time accepting the second option since it can’t be that none of the GOP lawmakers want to act in the best interests of their voting constituents. (Sorry about the octouple-negative in there)


These are prepaid debit cards, the kind that some companies love to give out to employees in place of actual cash compensation for things like bonuses. I’m not sure how you’d be allowed to go over limit making purchases on a prepaid card, but this is America.

…Talbott said, trying desperately to keep a straight face, before snorting and bursting out in a gale of laughter. “Oh, god, I was trying to say it like Ebenezer Scrooge, but it’s just too funny. Yeah, we’re screwing the poor really hard and making a bundle for ourselves in the process. It’s completely obvious, I don’t know why we don’t just come out and freakin’ say it.”


Fuck consumer protections. They just get in the way of corporate profits. I sometimes feel like we’re just months away from having melamine in our milk supply.


The GOP is doing a bunch of these cartoonishly evil things lately - another notable one is their move to get rid of the fiduciary rule for investment advisers, a rule that literally means “the adviser is there to help their client not to steal from them”.

On the one hand it seems odd - why be a mustache-twirling caricature of a villain like this? But, on the other hand, the only people who really care enough to follow these votes and reward and punish based on them probably are the relevant lobbyists. So we can expect more, and worse.


The GOP seems to think they’re good for trying to distract Elizabeth Warren with by taking them hostage.

Won’t work.


Next on the agenda : evicting widows, and tying Nell to the railroad tracks.


Then thank goodness you’re not genetically related to the guy you quoted.


Those widows are occupying valuable real estate that can be sold to Chinese speculators, and they know it! /s


I think when you’re flush with power and in the weird Washington bubble of spending all day with lobbyists, other Senators, and various policymakers, it’s incredibly hard to have a larger perspective. When everyone around you is telling you how fantastic it is that you’re helping Save America by voting for these things, I doubt many lawmakers are thinking “are… are we the baddies?”


Or puppies:


He’s my dad’s brother and helped raise me since I was nine.

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The situational blindness might apply to other senators, but Perdue actively prayed for the Obamas to die.

These men are evil. They sold their souls for money and power, and they don’t deserve the benefit of a doubt.


Oh, absolutely. Perdue is truly, undoubtably evil, a man who literally wishes death on others for his personal gain. Others do, as well, I’m certain.


Well, I guess he must have been doing something right since you appeared to have turned out okay.