This is where you learn that conservatives are for government as “we make the rules” as possible, and then do mental gymnastics to come up with a bogus yet plausible philosophical rationale to do so.
Bad For Business does not equal Bad For the Historically Rich.
This nightmare for normal people means a massive consolidation of wealth for those already at the top. As a bonus for them, it’s also a test to see how far they push their dumbfuck voter base- if you can get people to protest something so simple as mask usage, they will literally do anything for you.
This is colossal mishandling. If I had my druthers, in 2-4 years time it’ll be impossible for a Republican in Georgia… or Florida… or Arizona… or maybe even Oklahoma to win an election for chief state dogcatcher, let alone governor.
Maybe wishful thinking, but don’t bet against it either…
Agree on your summary of Kemp’s current political position.
I suspect this is part of a larger nationwide (desperate) Republican effort to turn masks into a wedge issue. They’ve been promoting the personal liberty narrative and trying to paint themselves as the defenders of democracy. It was getting some traction with the crazies who think COVID is a scam, but as the virus proliferates, that’s becoming increasingly hard to swallow.
I also think he feels legitimately threatened by Bottoms. She’s smarter than him, and Atlanta has most of the real power in the state. It’s interesting that Fulton County Schools decided to go exclusively online this morning. They were offering an in-class option before. I suspect these things are tied together.
Those are both good points. The 1% have made bank since covid started and trumpers have showed just how emotional they can get over literally the stupidest thing to be upset about.
Agreed, which is so beyond the pale, we can’t even see it anymore…
I hope so? I hope that more people are beginning to see actual reason.
She has gotten a lot of attention, especially since this all began.
I wouldn’t say totally, but it’s trending that way. Ironically, when Trump refused to send funds to South GA farmers because there were provisions for PR, he shot himself in the foot there.
I’m not surprised. I think APS had already made that decision?
My parents thought covid was a hoax until Georgia passed 100k. Now my mom thinks it’s legit and my dad is blaming it on the “n****rs”
The self called Pro Life people, while being actively against abortion, euthanasia or stem cells research, very often also support military interventions and death penalty. In other words, they care a lot more for those who aren’t alive yet or are already dead than for those who are actively breathing now. I wouldn’t expect any coherent thoughts/actions from them.
Unfortunately, it will probably hold up just fine. Municipalities are creatures of the state and while Georgia extends some home rule powers to municipalities it explicitly allows those powers to be overridden by the state.
When Kemp gets virus (and he eventually will) my thoughts and prayers for him will more closely resemble a curse.
This was a plot line from Star Trek (TOS). Look up ‘Kodos the Executioner’. (head asplodes)
And here is me, thinking soon I would have opportunity to escape the USA and make efforts to move to my ancestral home of Ireland, or even a more progressive country, but nobody wants USians right now.
Hang in there… something has got to give, soon.
Any clever lawyers want to look over the order and guess whether this prevents ahem a ban on insufficiently covered faces, rather than a requirement to wear masks?
Typos can be confusing!
How long until we start hearing calls to actually Ban people from wearing masks in some of these states?
Savannah’s mayor is really vocal about this, which is highly appreciated in this region (by those with more than half a brain). Mayor Bottoms as well is fighting the good fight. It’s inexplicable that Kemp is doing this again (he did it with beaches earlier which caused a mob scene locally).
I’m extremely grateful that I pushed harder to continue working from home, because more people just outside of my bubble are getting ill.
It’s a familiar song.
What’s really fucked up is that so many people think COVID isn’t real until it impacts someone close to them. That’s why it keeps spreading.
So what would happen if mayors told the governor to go fuck himself? The order can’t hold up in court. It’s literally running counter to health and safety requirements.