Grammar pedant's mug obeys Skitt’s Law

YOU’RE - shows fucking possession.

Nope, doesn’t work.


Maybe that was the mistake–er, misteak?


Well, there’s also “Affect,” which as a noun is a psychology term, but maybe I’m being too picky.

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And effect as a verb is just bizspeak bullshit.

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There’s no good reason for that rule anyway. Just fetishization of Latin.


I assumed it was THERE, which the mug claims specifies a fucking location. Everyone knows you shouldn’t fuck “there,” only right here.


I showed the mug to my dad, and now he wants one. Off to Google…


Yeah it seems like a silly rule. But … who am I to decide. It’s all borrowed from somewhere.

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The only problem with Skitt’s Law, is that it was in use on Usenet long before the 1999 post calling it Skitt’s Law.!topic/alt.usage.english/oG0ndMQSZb4[101-125]

I’m pretty sure it goes back as far as when Godwin’s Rule leveled-up to Godwin’s Law.

It’s “to whom”, Brother!

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Except, if i remember correctly (this is far from my area of expertise), that this one and the rule about not ending a sentence with a preposition were added post facto. Just some lovers of Latin in relatively modern England (last five-hundred years, say, or maybe half that) some folks decided that Latin was the most perfectest thing and that all languages should be like it, so they imposed these rules. But fuck 'em. Language needs to LIVE to express everything that we need it to express.


Funny - I have a lawyer friend who sends back anything anyone under him writes with a sentence ending in a preposition. Insert lawyer joke.


Got it.

Grammar scolds don’t use coffee mugs. They use teacups.


Complete with tempest.


A lawyer wakes up in a dark room. He looks around groggily and sees that there are also a man, in priest’s robes, and a woman, in a doctor’s coat. He begins to introduce himself so that he can ask what is going on, when a voice booms out of the darkness.

“There is an Indian cobra in the room with you.”. A spotlight lights up, and when their eyes adjust, the three can indeed see a snake in a potted tree. The voice continues, “It is one of the most venomous snakes in the world, and its bite will kill you. If you pick up the cobra and hold it for ten minutes, you may go free. Or you can wait until you die of starvation or dehydration. Your choice.”

The priest gets up, dusts off his robes with some dignity, and says, “I have faith in the Lord.” He walks up to the snake, and doesn’t even manage to touch it before it bites him. A few minutes later, the priest is dead.

After the priest dies, a day passes, and the doctor and the lawyer strategize on how to get out of there. Finally, hunger overtakes the doctor, and she approaches the snake, who watches her warily. With hands made deft by countless surgeries, she lunges and grabs the snake, then drapes it over her exactly the same way it draped itself over the tree, so that it’s comfortable. After recovering from its surprise, it stays like that for a few minutes, and then, for no particular reason, bites the woman. A few minutes later, she’s dead, and the snake slithers back into the tree.

The lawyer waits, getting hungrier and thirstier, until he can bear it no more, and then approaches the snake. To his surprise, the snake doesn’t lunge, but settles comfortably in his arms. After ten minutes, a door opens, and the lawyer walks out, still holding the snake.

“Huh,” says the lawyer, “the priest seemed a truly good man, and was killed. The doctor was a benefit to society, and she was killed. I wonder why I was spared.”

From his the bundle in his arms comes a low hiss, “Professsssssional courtessssy.”


Led: Past fucking tense of an action

A model Zeppelin on a string.

edit: got sniped by a photo, so here’s a Zeppelin on a lead:


Well, I can imagine an instance wherein I might put the emphasis on the final word.

“Itt-fucking is boring.”


Their they’re. Yule bee all write.




Damn, that’s one big fucking whale!