Originally published at: Gramps rocks MSCHF's Big Red Boots | Boing Boing
This feels like the normie equvalant of wearing your fursuit’s feetpaws outside of the context of the furry con. Totally absurd. I’m all for it.
MSCHF rejected the idea that the boots were a joke. “It’s not a satire,” MSCHF said in a statement
Ok, now that’s funny. (I wonder just how straight a face was involved when claiming that, though…)
I need these for my Strongbad cosplay.
I need to try this on myself with vinyl shorts and nothing more.
As someone with perpetually cold toes, I want a pair of those.
As for the originals, wouldn’t it be nice if they came with a little flair?
“Cartoonishness is an abstraction that frees us from the constraints of reality,” the press release for the boots read.
“If you kick someone in these boots, they go boing !” of course!
Sadly, they are sold out, and they probably didn’t have them in my size anyway.
What were those for? Like, rainy, muddy weather? Are they rubber? Cause they look rubber?
Extreme cold weather. They’re rubber and have an air bladder inside that surrounds the foot. You can see the relief valve on the side instructing you to open the valve when in flight
Ah! Okay, thanks! I was wondering what that doo-hickey was!
Did you ever wear them in the field? How did they feel?
Yes, they’re pretty great. They really keep you warm but take a long time to warm up when they get cold so we would keep them in our sleeping bags while sleeping. They also have a stud on the heel to make it easier to wear them with snowshoes and skis (easier, not easy).