Grandad trips up armed suspect running from cops

Imagine if Bill had used one of his front legs.


You win the thread!


I’m just so jaded now that I’m genuinely surprised the LEOs didn’t still shoot the suspect anyway, regardless to the fact that he was already down.


He could just as easily have whipped his arm around and hit the guy in the throat, possibly killing him. Despite appearances, the trip was definitely the kinder, “gentler” action.

Unfortunately, that’s next. Bleh :-((((((

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Because if you can’t catch 'em you shoot 'em right?


“Bill was alerted by police sirens that day while waiting for his granddaughter outside the library.”

Yeah, it’s not ideal to have a gunfight outside of a library, around a lot of innocent bystanders. But you also can’t really allow a gun to run around carrying a gun either. Damned if you do, and damned if you don’t.

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all you need to stop a bad guy with feet is a good guy with feet.

Let me try this.

All you need a guy with bad breath is a guy with good breath.

Came to comment on that precise quote - you beat me to it. How desperate is it when random members of the public getting stuck in constitute a perp’s best chance of not getting killed AND THE POLICE OPENLY ADMIT IT?

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