Green-winged macaw pampered on spa day

Originally published at: Green-winged macaw pampered on spa day - Boing Boing


Parrots are entirely awesome, but after seeing one shell a Brazil nut, there’s no way I’d put my finger in a macaw’s beak.

Chickens become torpid if you put them on their backs, I suppose something similar is going on with Griffin.

It’s one of the delights of living in South East London; Rose Ringed Parakeets are a very common sight, and loads live around my way.

It seemed completely incongruous at first, but now it’s always an easy way to spot someone new to South East London as they gawp at the sky and then proclaim “Parrots!” to you as you walk past.

Apparently, they’re no longer restrained to South East London and are spreading across the country, so much so that there are growing concerns about them.

But I still love 'em to bits.

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The green-winged macaw prefers kipping on it’s back! Beautiful bird, lovely plumage!


Sooner or later the parakeets going to encounter herring gulls which are a much less pleasant invasive species. I’m just hoping the parrots don’t learn the trick of stealing pasties and ice creams by observing those f-ng seagulls.

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