Greenwald's "No Place to Hide": a compelling, vital narrative about official criminality

you could be right, i prob am overthinking it.

what did you think about Snowdens stilted style of speech, like that of a master politician/paid liar

looks and sounds just like a shill

The biggest point is between the lines. Every one of us must ask ourselves what patriotism is. Is it serving the government or serving the country?

When I see responses like yours, I see someone who serves the government, sees the government as the final authority. I see it all over the place, in your response, and in lots of other peopleā€™s: anyone opposing the government is a traitor.

What I see in the Greenwalds, Snowdens and Binneys are people who see past the government, see through their absolute authority, and see a different set of rules, a higher order; things like: a more pure interpretation of the Constitution, the well-being of the population and the things written about in the Declaration of Independence.

Short history lesson. In 1775, people who opposed England were called traitors. My how times have changed.

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i find your response disrespectful and presumptuous. You are saying that I serve the government! who do you serve? You think the constitution is a ā€œhigher orderā€? thats laughable

i never said traitor

you also didnt respond to me

what about his stilted style of speech - he has been trainedā€¦this is psyops you fool

Now who is petulant and calling names because your arguments donā€™t have a leg to stand on? Act worthy of a response and I might give one. Until then, forget it.

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you think words on a piece of paper are of some higher order. You have been severely conditioned.

i feel bad that you cant even explore ideas in a respectful environment. asserting that i somehow ā€œserveā€ the government by labeling snowden a shill

what is snowden if he is not a shill? do you think he is a patriot?

Yes, ā€œyou fool,ā€ I believe Eric Clapton covered a good song about this.

Great thanks.

Pot, kettle.

He canā€™t hear you in my belly.


do you think that was a poor choice? the tinfoil hat trope in thread like this

In context of saying that Snowden is a double-secret agent thatā€™s fooling everyoneā€¦ no.

what did you think about Snowdens stilted style of speech,

Heā€™s an articulate nerd with Libertarian tendencies and balls of steel.

I know people with DoD clearances that work in IT and they talk just like Snowden whether itā€™s to me or a girl theyā€™re embarrassing themselves in front of.

Maybe you just donā€™t get out enough to meet a diverse group of people beyond your computer, I dunno. If you have an aversion to meeting a diverse group of people beyond your computer, I suggest watching The Big Bang Theory and observing Sheldon for a while.

like that of a master politician/paid liar

Or, like that of an articulate nerd with Libertarian tendencies and balls of steel. Itā€™s amazing how much bad faith youā€™re assuming of Snowden.

looks and sounds just like a shill

I was thinking the same of you, actually. See, the bullshit assumptions cuts both ways, huh?

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I love how some peopleā€™s idea of a respectful environment means they can stomp about and spew all the profane invective that comes to their frontal lobe, but if anyone so much as questions them about it, itā€™s the OTHER guy whoā€™s in the wrong. Remind you of a certain Secretary of State?

Look, to all the people who feel deeply offended by Ed Snowden, think heā€™s a traitor, should be hanged, etc., etc., etc., I have one thing to say. Prove the harm.

I can prove the good, easily. The good is that mass surveillance is now:

  1. in the public eye and most people donā€™t want it
  2. being hotly debated in Congress and starting to be reshaped
  3. being challenged in the courts, finally at long last
  4. becoming a fly in the Presidentā€™s ointment; he is being forced to deal with it.

Thatā€™s 4 unquestionably good things that are a direct result of these leaks. Why are they unquestionable? Because they are tangible. They are specific things you can point to and say, ā€œyes, these are happening.ā€

So, prove the harm. Not vague, oh, he undermined national security secrets, stole military secrets, jeopardized our mission, blah blah. NO. LIST THE DIRECT HARMS. Such as, ā€œ5 Americans were killed in Baghdad as a result of Snowdenā€™s leaks.ā€

Iā€™m curious what Snowden-haters have to say about that. Go on, be specific.


Iā€™m curious what Snowden-haters have to say about that. Go on, be specific.

This is usually about the time they crawl back under the rocks whence they came from.

Iā€™d be happy with 1 articulate one standing up and making the case in a rational way without all the insults and petulance. Iā€™m willing to listen, not just sitting here with an armload of retorts. I already gave my retorts in my list. Cā€™mon. My hands are empty, see?

(ok, ok, ONE of my hands is empty. The other one is scratching myself. If thatā€™s what you want to call it.)

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Iā€™d be happy with 1 articulate one standing up and making the case in a rational way

How long do you plan to wait?

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