
The largest Christian university in the U.S. is facing a record-setting fine from the Department of Education for allegedly deceiving thousands of students about the cost of its doctoral programs.

In gawd’s name.


Not to be outdone, Liberty College checks in!

Last week, Fox News reported that Liberty is facing the possibility of an “unprecedented” $37.5 million fine from the U.S. Department of Education. The department has been investigating violations of the Clery Act, a federal statute that requires federally funded colleges and universities to publicly report data about campus crime.

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The Arkansas grifter could have bought 68% of a podium with those funds in lieu of a private party for her friends. Taxpayer money is nothing more than her personal expense account.

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The above article is troublesome – the intersection of grifting and homelessness makes it difficult for some to see the difference between who is a grifter and who is legit homeless and just looking for help.

Posting her for valid reasons, but also cross-posted to the Workers Rights and Unions thread.

Gold bars featured in Sen. Bob Menendez bribery case are linked to a 2013 robbery, records show

A businessman told police that he was the victim of a robbery and asked them to recover 22 stolen gold bars. Some of the bars were found a decade later in Menendez’s home.

Disney Jail GIF by BuzzFeed



Is this a new one? I keep forgetting he’s doing the Popeye comics… I’m missing Something Positive, tho…


Yup! 'Twas in today’s paper, & I thought of this thread.

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Awesome! Thanks for posting it!



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Anyone else heard of this (or actually been on the receiving end)? Someone at a heretofore unknown number (for example, in the 305 area code; Florida man) sends a text message, threatening to kill the recipient (whom the sender does not actually identify by name). A couple of hours later, they send another one (from the same number), additionally threatening the recipient’s family. This is followed by an MMS video* where two people claim to be on their way to “your location;” one of them points a gun at the camera (I guess because bullets can also travel via MMS).

I guess the intent is that the recipient freaks out and calls the number that sent the texts, at which point the person on the other end attempts to extract some sort of electronic payment (hence my placing this under this thread). “I’m threatening you, and here’s my phone number where you can reach me.” Maybe it’s a burner phone & they just ditch it after a few hours (the number no longer works in any case**).

The actual threats are comical in the sense that they’re so non-credible, but I was really pissed off that someone tried this at all.

*Evidently, different perpetrators are recycling the same video. Though now I wonder if 3gp files could be a malware conveyance.

**I let the powers-that-be try that one.

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Does “engagement farming” with shitty AI images count as grifting?

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Bell Acres businessman convicted of $15 million fraud asks for reduction of his 1-year prison term.

Largest home in Pennsylvania, it says.



Calling McMansion Hell, McMansion Hell to the white courtesy phone please.