Grindr removes ethnicity filter

Dude, that’s happened twice now in the last 24 hours… first me, now you.






Being unable to filter racial constructs out of search results is not oppression.

It’s dumbfounding that that even needs to be said, but here we are. :man_shrugging:


No one asked you to leave. I certainly didn’t. There is plenty of room for disagreement on these issues. I don’t have anything against you, I’m making an argument about social issues.

You could apologize. :woman_shrugging:

I’m just saying no asked you to leave.


Can’t people just look at the profile pictures to decide whether they find a person physically attractive or not?


And? A BB badge does not grant veracity, of course. Heck, ownership of BB doesn’t do so, not even close. Sorry, but that’s just spurious and unhelpful.

Note to everyone above: Did you all miss the link up there, where Black men cannot find other Black men to date, w/o filters? This makes perfect sense, mind you, because they’re simply in the minority, but why can’t they choose to browse whom they like, with whatever criteria?

“Sim[le” answers aren’t necessarily simple. You may feel a given solution solves a problem but that means little, compared to actual results.

And not what @chgoliz said. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


It’s damn well what oren implied there. Appeals to authority are not useful, and that’s exactly what it was. If you disagree, why was it necessary to point out the badge…?

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Is there anyone you’d actually listen to, because this thread has had some shit opinions in and it hasn’t been from any of the women.


No, it’s not.

No, it’s not.

The purpose of the badge is to recognize the contributions @Mindysan33 has made to the community as a scholar and a teacher. And it’s useful because certain people habitually dismiss the views of women and humanities academics.


Way to miss the point.

Oren dismissed someone’s opinion, because someone else is an “authority” (has a BB badge). Please explain how that’s helpful or valid?

You’re talking to a gay man ( ilris_ota) about how gay men should meet. And you’re also dismissing the concerns of minority men here. Sorry, that badge doesn’t support the dismissal.

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That’s not the topic of this thread.


In other words, it wasn’t helpful or valid, and you have no direct justification for telling a gay man how to find partners =). Thanks.

Let me put this to you: Why are Black-only (or any ethnicity) dating services OK/not OK? Yes, they exist.

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The okayness or not okayness of their existence isn’t the issue. The issue is whether a dating app removing race filters is oppression, which it most certainly is not.


No, I was being condescended to, which means being spoken down to, just like you’re doing now, by a gay man unwilling or unable to take on a discussion where nobody was actually telling him who or how to date while dismissing opinions from other marginalised women.

Which, so we’re clear, you are continuing to do.


What I really want to know, is whether the Libertarians will have a meltdown about Freedom and make their own clone app for gay hookups?


I did what now? I haven’t even posted in this topic.


Pardon, I somehow got you confused with @chgoliz =p. Not really sure how.

Oookie then.

To try and rescue this topic: This reminds me a bit of the net neutrality situation - everyone tends to agree traffic prioritization is bad, and we don’t want networks doing it. When that fight began, I was working for the Wikimedia foundation, who was working on “Project Zero”, an attempt to get Wikipedia, for free, on phones in underprivileged countries and low-income carriers because they wanted information to be accessible to all. Many of the net neutrality laws suggested actually made that illegal.

Personally, for a dating app where you’re going to allow filtering on physical appearance, I get the idea that skin tone is a consideration - one can’t control what one is attracted to, and provided we’re talking consenting adults here, freedom to do as you wish makes sense to me. The implementation though, matters, and if these same tools enable racial descrimination or marginalization, then IMHO the answer is to 1) remove the tools, and 2) discuss alternatives. Much like Wikipedia Zero, unintended consequences are a regular side-effect of regulation, and it’s important to consider and try to carve out valid use cases (like enabling minorities to more easily connect) in a way that doesn’t also promote or enable bigotry.

They aren’t easy problems to solve, or else we would have. But IMHO “this can be used badly so all the valid use cases just have to deal” isn’t a long term solution either.


While you were certainly far more eloquent, that’s pretty much the point I was trying to make, although I’m not sure whether I agree on whether removal is the best answer or not.

I mean, do we just send everybody to “Black Grindr”, “Latinx Grindr”, and so on…? That seems pretty dire but ya know, that’s already how it works; just the names of the services change. (Not being snarky, legit question.)

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