Griping about moderation, bias, et cetera

Someone so very confused about the BBS community and how the site now operates had their comment shunted here from another topic and then complained about that. The moderator decided enough was enough (I’m sure this will cause further whinging from the user).




You’d think that someone whose behavior was so bad it got removed from the Griping thread would get a clue, but nope.


This topic is temporarily closed for at least 4 hours due to a large number of community flags.

This topic was automatically opened after 8 hours.

it’s great having a sense of humor about it…well put!


¿De qué estás hablando Willis?


Ii was responding to a post that showed up in my email.

I don’t see it here.


I guess it was not quite put so well that it stayed put. :man_shrugging:


I have no idea what I did wrong here. I won’t derail the thread for it.

I thought I was polite and welcoming, with a side of “watch yourself” but apparently I need to be ignored and side eyed? I have no idea.
One can dm me too.

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(I went ahead and deleted my comment, before anyone could decide to flag me for it. It wasn’t actually on topic and I can own that.)

As for your query here;

It seems to me that you often take the opportunity to use backhanded “compliments” or ‘greetings’ to diss certain members of this forum (or sometimes it’s the entirety of the forum) and that you often seem to lend apparent moral support to obvious bad faith actors. Why, I do not know.

I do know what I observe on a regular basis; and that gas-lighting attempts are ineffective on me.

Hmmm, you must’ve reset your mail settings recently; as that did not used to be the case.


This is unfortunate. I have never tried to diss any specific member of the forum. If someone has been personally slighted, then that’s on me for not being kinder.

I have shown moral support to people who I thought were acting good faith but weren’t being shown a good faith response the conversation had become intransigent .

I flag bad faith posts, when I catch them.

edited to be more accurate to my feelings.

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Well, if you ever wonder why someone might consider you as subtly dissing other members of this forum, here is you accusing them of showing bad faith responses. :man_shrugging:


It is my opinion, based upon what I observe on a consistent basis.

I find that incredibly difficult to believe.

I care far less about any concept of “kindness” you may have than I do about people having mutual respect for the community here. We don’t need to all like one another, but if we value this space, we would do well to maintain the general peace.

For instance, I have no love for a non-zero number of members here, and I am quite sure that they have even less for me… but I still don’t go looking to exploit every possible opportunity to ridicule or undermine them.

I don’t go actively seeking people out in order to argue endlessly with them.

That is not my purpose in posting here.

Interesting perspective, there.


I also interpreted your CRJ lyrics as throwing shade at the community. You might be putting off meaning you don’t intend, or if you do intend it, it might not be as subtle as you think it is.


Shoot. I was trying to stay on topic with some fun lyrics. I couldn’t call anyone crazy, so I stated the terms of service. “An eye roll gif” was a response they already got, which is a common response to someone coming in so dickishly hot. And if that pisses off a new user (which it did), then they are not a good fit here. I’m trying to make little jokes here.

Reaction gifs good.

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Or not fun lyrics. I don’t know anymore. I mean “we just met you” was right there!

Considering how long your tenure here has been, I would think you’d know there have been a number of bad-faith users who have been invited to do so elsewhere who harp on the reaction gifs. That is what I took it as, even within the context of the lyrics mashup.


And of course some of us are KNOWN for our use of reaction gifs and get targeted for it more often than others…