Originally published at: Gritty posed for an official nude portrait | Boing Boing
I’m not a Flyers fan, but I’m definitely a Gritty fan!
Nude… except for the shoes. Did he get his pants and underpants off while the shoes were on, or did he put his shoes back on after removing the rest of his clothing?
Also, is it really nude if you’re wearing shoes and a mask? Partially nude seems more applicable here.
I actually believe what we think of as shoes are part of Gritty’s body. They just look like shoes to us. Evolution really is remarkable.
Damnit, I hate stuff like this. Just another unrealistic body type for me to achieve.
I am born in Pittsburgh and a long time Pittsburgh Penguins season ticket holder so by all accounts I should hate everything Philadelphia Flyers related. Regardless, Gritty is awesome. The face mask, the costume, the antics, the time he crashed a wedding…all excellent.
All that being said, the Flyers suck…go Pens!
I don’t know why a team called the “Flyers” would have as a mascot a hairy beast that by all appearances shouldn’t be able to fly.
Well now that is one heck of an adaptive trait! I wonder what benefit the organism gets from that kind of mimicry? Possibly defense against some mascot-foot-eating predator that does not count shoes as natural prey? Or is the Gritty organism the predator, and the appearance of shoes instead of feet allows it some kind of hunting advantage?
Given the context, it could be sexual selection. A potential mate of a wild Gritty may well prefer partners with exaggerated simulated footwear features. While it may be resource manipulative, there is the potential of increased reproductive success. Sadly naturalists have yet to record any observations of the mating behaviors of Grits (what is the collective noun of Gritty?) in the wild so this is as of yet all wild speculation.
That’s a belly button? I thought they just chose to pose him with a donut on his stomach.
Gritty: Benjamin, I want you to draw me like one of your French girls. Wearing these…
Benjamin: All right.
Gritty: Wearing only these.
It is a mystery. But have you seen their baseball mascot? What the hell does that thing have to do with anything?
Gritty freaked me out upon his debut, but has since grown on me (Wings fan, I hate the Flyers) to the point that I believe the world is a better place because Gritty is in it.
Gritty is about as close as I’ve ever seen sports come to Dada, so I’m here for it.
Well. . . the team is The Phillies. What kind of mascot are they supposed to have? I guess a ‘filly’, as in a horse, but that’s not how it’s spelled. So then it should be a dancing Liberty Bell, or a Ben Franklin impersonator to get the crowd going? No, the Philly Phanatic will do just fine.
mmm … Like a hairy Benedict Cumberbatch
Gritney! I love her.
1: My eyes!!! My eyes!!!
2: Gritty isnt into manscaping…
What are THOSE?