Group of quarantined musicians do a spot-on cover of Fagen's "New Frontier"

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This is great stuff, makes you appreciate how interestingly and carefully crafted the song is.


Nothing wrong with that.

…cept they was Fagen it


I tried to comment on the post of the original video to give credit where it’s due. Made by cucumber studios in London around '85, directed by Rocky Morton and Annabelle Jaenkel, two greats.

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Thanks. What a great way to start the week!


I have loved this album since it came out, and this is a fantastic cover. Makes my day! Thanks so much for the reminder.

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So smooth and cool. I’m kind of amazed how polished the sound is, with everyone contributing from different rooms like that.

I can’t decide whether it’s a perfect cover or just a lip sync.

Great sound. Anyone know what software they use? I’d like to try it myself.

I love this track, and every other track on the album.

On the one hand covers ought to bring something new. else what’s the point?
On the other hand, the original was utterly perfect, there’s nothing more to say, so don’t try.
So a reproduction is a tribute and boy was that a brilliant tribute. Loved it!
And the video composition, especially.

A truly wonderful thing!

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Thanks. Nice try. Very nice try. But I’m afraid it did not move me at all.

As a true Donald Fagen devotee, this was a wonderful take on a truly great song. The subtle differences in their styling only added to my enjoyment at listening. Thanks to this great set of musicians. Do more !!!


New Frontier was released in 1982…wonderful album

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Lovely version, but I adore the Modernaires cover.

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