Guillotine watch: LAX's new one-percenter luxury terminal -- UPDATED with veiled legal threats!, AND MORE LEGAL THREATS!

You’re absolutely correct, and I wouldn’t want the alternate to be the case. Doesn’t make grotesque displays of wealth and waste of resources any less pathetic and destructive.


You have evidence that this will be the case? That this area will require hundreds of associates and that they will come from existing positions within LAX with no net new hires?

Did I miss this in the original story?

If I ever saw Wil in public I’d jump him. Not because he’s a celebrity, but to get an answer to the most important question ever. “Why have you not made more of the utterly delicious WootStout?!?”

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Entertainment stars and moguls have come to expect they will get a free pass on their ostentatious, carbon-spewing lifestyles because they offset that with donations to leftist candidates and highly public lip service to causes such as income equality and climate activism.

It has worked pretty well for them so far. Austerity and conservation are for the little people, don’cha know.

(Edit) I really should not point the finger exclusively at the entertainment biz. Sports “heroes” and most of the technology one-percenters have successfully followed the same path. Donate to Good Things (with a “D” after their names), speak loudly and often of Good Causes, and you may buy up as much oceanfront and mountain view real estate as you like, put as many miles on that CItation or Gulfstream as you please, without fear of the guillotine.


Which is?
I do know, just testing.

The masses

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To be fair, I think the “monitor” thing was a bit of typical hyperbole. From the article it sounds like when the press visited, there was an iPad set up at the entrance, comparing it to the entrance of the regular terminal. I didn’t get any sense that there was a “monitor” set up so that the hoi polloi could drink champagne and watch harried crowds for fun.


Pre-9/11, this sort of thing would be unremarkable. No one had imagined just how creative skyjackers could get with their mischief.

With the threat model we now have, creating a special luxury input stream for air traffic, creates a big, beautiful, juicy target for mischief makers. Think about it, if you were sick and tired of USian foriegn adventures desolating your home soil, and you wanted to give america the finger, wouldnt this be a tempting target?

So maybe our theoretical terrrorist has to pay 10 times as much for access to the target, its still a great bang for the buck-even more so, since people of modest means are far less likely to be in the blast radius.

If real terrorism is an actual concern, these luxury terminals are a terrible idea. On the other hand, if the whole security theater spectacle is engineered just to keep people in line, the actual danger is simply not there, this is just a marvelous idea!

It all depends on which side of the income divide you stand.


I guess he’s not brewing anymore for dietary reasons. He’s switched to baking bread instead.

My husband did say hello to him, only because Mr. Bells worked on the Karateka re-release, so he was wearing a shirt from it, and Wil had been wearing the same shirt on an episode of Tabletop. A convoluted connection, but he was super nice.

I don’t mind the idea of the obscenely rich paying to skip queues like this (provided that money goes towards reducing cost for others), but “Pleb Cam” is sick as fuck and whoever came up with the idea should be sent for a total body cavity search.



“One of the privileges of the great is to witness catastrophes from a terrace.” – Jean Giraudoux


“Let them eat tiny bags of peanuts.” – ? (Lindsay Lohan?)


It is impossible to have evidence from the future, unless you’ve developed a time machine I’m not aware of. It was a prediction, based on what I’ve observed in current corporate thinking. My past personal observations, e.g., of the disappearance of workers in ordinary stores compared with the legions of people available in upscale stores, led to my conclusion that this trend will continue. As they say, those who ignore history will be doomed to repeat it.

Furthermore, my statement had an element of hyperbole that perhaps you missed. To argue on that level is pointless.


Small airports and private planes always have issues with geezer pilots crashing. My great uncle decided to abruptly stop taking geezer meds in order to pass some kind of pilot exam and died. My next door neighbor crashed his plane into the side of a mountain.


My family has a plane (dad owns it, me and my brother and my kid fly it too). Here is a pic of one just like it. As you can see, it is not exactly 1%er level transport.

And we keep it at “one of those small airports”, at which “suburbs have grown up around”. Everyone who bought a house in one of those suburbs knew the airport was there when they bought that house, and if they think they can bitch about it long enough to close it down, they have another think coming.


A larger danger to those suburb airports are the property values which eventually make the land it sits on worth an insane amount of money.


Okay, so how is Lil Bow Wow going to make this work for him?


Why? There was no mention about whatever might motivate them.

That’s not necessarily true, and there is no reason to assume the converse either.

IMO “outrage” is simply “reactionary” sold under a different label to another demographic. What we need more than anything is a left with actual principles and infrastructure - not always situationally or emotionally responding to those who are imagined to have “real power”. People need to have and implement systems of their own first.

Agreed, certainly not a 1%'er plane. But the point was that your choice to spend what it costs to have a small plane and use it on a regular basis is still only available to you because of a huge support network built by taxes that most will never have the chance to enjoy. It basically amounts to a local and interstate road system that most will only get to travel on in a greyhound bus a few times each year. Neither Libertarianism nor Capitalism built them.