Gun owners urged to stop storing firearms in ovens after overheated pistol fired five rounds

Gun owners urged to stop storing firearms in ovens



On the plus side, if you store your guns in the oven and turn the oven up to 350 degrees, there’s no danger that your kids will grab hold of the guns and use them to shoot themselves or others.

Safety sixth!


Out of the homes I have been to casually, in maybe 3 out of 10 I have seen improperly stored guns laying around randomly in a room that guests have open and easy access to on the way to like a toilet or something. These are most likely to be the expensive flashy things too because what is the point of spending that much on this shit if no one gets impressed by it? How will they know your social class if they can’t see what kind of gun you can afford?

I have lived in at least a few places where there were random guns you could find in places. Under a mattress, in a cupboard, etc.

I distinctly remember a neighbor kid we were playing with getting the shit hit out of him by his dad because we were all jumping on the bed (I was 5, he was 7, sis was 10-12idk). Anyway on the wall was a loaded shotgun on some kind of makeshift shelf and the jumping knocked it down.

I mean people just don’t care. After my ex started showing mental problems from a break in some friend gave us a gun from god knows where and that thing just sat in our closet as we didn’t think it would be a good idea to buy bullets given my ex was frequently suicidal.

I could go on so long on the subject of guns and with a little editing I could probably turn out 100 pages of fucked up Harmony Corrine exploitable Texan stream-of-conscience that would rival As I Lay Dying in lugubrious tragedy…

Around here gun safety is the “pulling out” method for shootings.


I’ve seen this study posted once or twice now online and it seems like a good point to add to one of these stories.,in%20hands-on%20safety%20practices.

Juicy quote about rationalization:

Many parental strategies for keeping kids safe weren’t associated with any increased tendency to store loaded guns in unsecured locations, but those who demonstrated proper firearm handling to their children were twice as likely to do so.

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