Gunman kills 50 in Florida gay nightclub

Nor does spanish fly actually work, at least in terms of it’s supposed prowess as an aphrodisiac. You can, in some places (not the USA, for the past several years), get a prescription for it for the purposes of burning off warts, for which it’s rather effective.

We’ve discussed Spanish Fly before.

In the case of the Tutsi, though, it was many people with many machetes.


As much as I hate to wade into the definitions stuff around “assault weapons”, AR stands for Armalite Rifle. Armalite was the company that originated the design of the AR-15.

@euansmith Yes, many many people, many machetes, and many many more dead.


For the US Military. Not for hunting.

You’re not helping the side you claim affiliation with.

@codinghorror or @sam… why does Discourse seem committed to me replying to @nemomen when I am not?

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Despite the deadly global menace of 3D printed low-caliber single-shot zipguns, it remains true that mass shootings are a routine occurence in the USA and nowhere else in the developed world. Dramatically worse domestic homicide rates, too. And those other counties have, in general, not made any attempt to “ban guns outright”.

You don’t get to dismiss this as an inevitable consequence of technology. It isn’t.




The Constitution says nothing about the right to keep and bear ammunition.

Just sayin’


Dunno, but here’s what’s in your post:

[quote="nemomen, post:22, topic:79517"]

Topic 79517 is the Gawker bankrupcy topic.

That’s even worse than the tweet sent by Texas’s Lieutenant Governor, who later deleted it.

It’s terrible but I’m genuinely surprised we haven’t heard more statements like this, at least from more prominent figures.

What, you mean standing around going ‘Bang!’ doesn’t kill people?


Then it doesn’t really illustrate much of anything.

It’s a random data point.


The same kind of tragedy, only this time it’s the biggest mass shooting since Wounded Knee.

The same old bullshit responses “don’t politicize this” and “don’t take away our guns” and “Muslims hate our freedom” and “gun homicides are rare.”

And the same old me wishing I could turn in my membership to the human race and associate myself with a species that does not do this.


I read that as well and call bullshit. They were saying he was “offended” by seeing two men kiss in public. Sorry but where the hell does one LEARN thats offensive outside of religious teachings. It boggles my mind that the media then goes “oh ya true true”.

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NOT Defending him, however are you saying that a Texas politician got up at 7am, logged into his official twitter account, and decided “hey I haven’t had a personal shitstorm in a while, lets see what I can do”?

Not to mention these guys make Hillary look like Steve Jobs when it comes to technology… I say tasteless bad timing, not a conscious attack.

I do wish, they would stop it with the jesus shit, but one day that generation will die off.

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I honestly wish they would try. Not because I think it would work, but at least once thats done, humans would take a long look at the quality of other humans, how belief systems enable violence of any kind, and stop being obsessed with the tool being used.

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I have always translated the fundamentalist preference for St. Paul over Jesus as simply being a preference for whoever best fits their echo chamber. Prejudice first, selection of prophets afterwards.

Interestingly Jesus said that there would be false prophets who came after him; Paul duly appears; takes over from the “official” disciples; and gets a free pass to run the show. But Paul was basically a bureaucrat who wanted to run a hierarchy that would do things his way, and those people tend to get their way.

Personally, I have often considered the success of St. Paul in subverting the teachings of Jesus as just more evidence for the nonexistence of “god”.


He’d obviously never actually visited an Arab country where men do that sort of thing all the time.


Maybe he really did mean that to refer to something completely unrelated and it was just very poor timing on his part. I’ll admit I honestly don’t know. I’m so used to victim-blaming following attacks on LGBT people, but I think you make a valid point that I may be mistaken in seeing that here.

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Good point!