Gunman kills 50 in Florida gay nightclub

And it sure is a handy derailing of any discussion of lax gun laws.

Can i say this again? Fuuuuuuuuck!


I think we need to shift the public discussion towards “why do Republican leaders insist that terrorists have free access to dangerous weapons?”


What/Who is to blame?

Oh, that is easy the shooter.

I mean, we have had many, many threads about Brock Turner. Even though he and others were tried to pin the cause of the rape on external factors, the fact of the matter is, the only person to blame is Brock Turner.

Not the culture.
Not his parents telling him not to rape.
Not the availability of drugs and alcohol.
Not the victim.
Not the victim’s inability to defend herself.
The rapist.

Same thing.

The blame lies on the shooter.


We all know, from fellow Boing Boing BBS posters, that there is absolutely nothing that can be done about US gun laws and they are in no way the actual problem. It is always something other than access to implements designed to kill as their primary purpose for any adult who feels a need to own them. In fact, it isn’t clear why guns even get brought up in these conversations, right?


We don’t sell special assault penises that make it easier for rapists to victimize dozens of people at once.


Hey, those assault penises have legitimate uses for target plinking! Don’t take away my hobby because it isn’t about penises!!!


Don’t worry, @Mister44, if you wait two weeks, everyone will move on (again) until the next mass shooting when you can tell us the same things in response to outrage centered on gun mediated violence.


What would be an effective means of pressure on those in the position to change gun laws? I’m tired of chatter and would like to do something about it but writing my representatives doesn’t seem to be doing anything.

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You’d think the slaughter of dozens of people in a public place with firearms would be enough.

In other words, nothing is enough. They don’t care.


No, but we sell specialist drugs and alcohol to make those “panties drop faster” - or black out. Which ever comes first.

Not sure why there is a logical disconnect here.

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The logical disconnect is

  • Nobody is saying the shooter isn’t responsible for his abhorrent actions, merely that his actions wouldn’t have been POSSIBLE if we had sensible gun laws like the rest of the developed world
  • Drugs which facilitate rape ARE carefully regulated (I don’t have a Constitutional right to walk into any Pharmacy in America and pick up Spanish Fly without a prescription)
  • The US has a rape problem, but it’s not grossly disproportionate to the rape problem of other countries
  • Other first-world countries don’t have regular mass shootings like the US, so just maybe that is a hint that the problem goes beyond the individual shooters?

And as luck has it we’ll probably have an anti-gay religious fundamentalist pro-ISIS Afghani, so everybody’s going to get to pick and choose their lessons.

Maybe if we’d just draw the line at ‘it’s not okay to kill people because they have a different way of life’ we wouldn’t be creating (first or second hand) all these dead people?


Of course you did. That’s why the media always says “assault rifle”, because most of the time people automatically jump to scene of the shooter unloading clip after clip into a crowd. Like Mister44 said, true legal automatic weapons are heavily regulated.


You mean he had to pull the trigger a whole 50 times to kill 50 people? That’s quite a barrier.


[quote=“Brainspore, post:66, topic:79594”]
special assault penises
[/quote]That sounds like a premise for a dodgy porno :smiley:

I don’t give a shit whether the gun was an automatic or not. There’s no reason we should have so few barriers for buying a weapon that makes it easy to kill dozens of people at once. I don’t care about the inner workings of the machine, I care about the end result.


The haters who cluster around trump, the haters that join religions whose creed is to put other people down as unworthy, the “you people” of the NRA and other business enterprises that use fear and hatred to make a profit.

Perhaps poorly worded on my part. The Sunday morning news rattled my emotions though by now it seems like I ought to just expect that sort of thing…still hard to accept it.and still hard to think of all the people who fuel hate.

Does that help?


Are you fucking kidding me?

This event is tragic, no matter what the context is. My heart really goes out to those involved. But this means that now the goddamn xenophobe islamaphobe warmongers are going to redouble their efforts to paint all Muslims as terrorists, press forward with the surveillance state, and destabilize some other primarily Muslim nation in the Middle East.


My goal is to some how get people to stop focusing on inanimate objects. Every social ill where we have done that has FAILED to help the problem.

Want people to stop using drugs - ban drugs. Does nothing to stop people wanting to take drugs, only leads to violence in the distribution.

Want people to stop abusing alcohol? Ban alcohol, which lead to some of the most violent organized crime in our history.

There was a problem with youth deliquesce in the 50s so they censored movies and comic books and switch blades.

Want to reduce teenage pregnancy? Shun sex, shun condoms, and shun education.

Etc. Etc. Etc.

Except the list I responded to blamed everything but the shooter.

I am talking about the simple, common drug must of us enjoy from time to time - alcohol.

By specialized I mean like Everclear and other stuff that will get you fucked up very quickly.

The LEGAL AVAILABILITY of weapons is less in the US than it has been in the past. And overall violent crime is DOWN, with mass shootings UP. So maybe there is something beyond simple availability or even legality - as many worst off nations have much stricter gun control laws.

Again I have to point out, there are already a ton of laws on the books. There are 80 million or so gun owners and only a fraction of percentage use them for violence against other people. ALL of us have in our homes tools to hurt others, and are reading this on devices that could be used to do all sorts of horrible crimes. But generally we scoff at being treated like criminals and invite gov. intrusion just because bad people are using these same tools to do bad things. Because YOU use these tools and aren’t limiting your access in the name of security.

“You will never be completely free from risk if you are free.” - Edward Snowden


Sadly, I’ve found myself arriving at the same conclusion.

Right now my only hope is that this enshrined privilege of owning firearms will eventually gather dust as future generations become less and less interested in them. Meanwhile, the dwindling minority of gun enthusiasts will have successfully cultivated a Swiss-style gun culture that first and foremost emphasizes personal responsibility and respect for this privilege.