Gunman kills 50 in Florida gay nightclub

Sure, come Nov 8th 2016, everything will change for the better, under President Jill Stein :wink:

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And it’s not like the Republicans will offer to do anything about that. Offering psychiatric care to the masses would be too much like socialism for them.


I’d settle for 50%+1 for the UK to remain in the EU right now. The EU is better on LGBT rights than the Europhobes have ever been.


You’re missing a few for the Republicans.

Some of them also claim that all shooters are Democrats (this one appears to have registered Democrat 10 years ago, so that’s enough of a smoking gun for them for a cause regardless of his father’s claims of homophobia and his ex-wife’s claims of abuse) and they also blame shootings on gun free zones (because not being able to have a gun in a particular place causes people to get shot there or something). If you want to include the crazier conspiracy theories also, I’ve seen a lot of claims that all mass shootings are liberal false flag operations to get guns out of the hands of conservative good-guys-with-guns.


People suck.


It’s also hard to argue that “taking away someone’s freedom by confining them to a mental institution against their will” is a lesser violation of their rights than “taking away someone’s freedom to own a gun.”


Which is why I said offer, not force.

See the case of Raoul Moat in the UK, where someone who wanted psychiatric care but couldn’t get it ended up snapping and killing a bunch of people.


I’ve mentioned this before, but I was at my grandmonther-in-law’s house with other family members on the day of the Capitol Hill shooting incident in 2013. It was clear pretty quickly that she had mental issues and was not carrying any weapons. That night, a Fox News pundit (O’Reilly, I think) expressed regret that America was unable to provide care for all of the mentally ill people, but suggested that Americans should carry guns to protect themselves against them. On national prime time TV. I’d seen plenty of stupid on Fox News in the short time I’d been in the US, but the mask really slipped then.


The guy’s dad said his son had become upset while watching two men kiss each other in Miami. Omar, the shooter, had two Florida carry permits (security guard and general). The Mateen family are Afghan immigrants. This case is chock full of all sorts of fucked up.

Too hard to post links to all this from my phone…this Gawker article (and others at the site) provides good recaps and sources.


Sure, providing free access to mental health services is great even if most mass shooters don’t seek them out. (I’d wager most mass-murderers think the people with a problem are their victims, not themselves.)

Still, I hear plenty of Republicans say “how was that guy allowed on the street?” after a shooting but rarely “how was that guy able to get his hands on a gun?”


Homophobic terrorism I’ll grant you

Another difference in approaches, as noted with a nice dollop of British understatement at the Guardian:

The two presumptive nominees for president have each responded to the mass shooting. The Democrat expressed solidarity with the victims and the Republican thanked his followers for “the congrats” for talking about his fears of terrorism.


Republicans are notably not shy about locking people up


We’ve been hearing for over a month about how Trump is going to act more Presidential now. So much for that.


You are being sarcastic, right?

Liked your comment for keeping us informed, not because I necessarily like the info in it. This is just all-round heartbreaking. So many dead, so many injured, so many who will be scarred (physically and/or mentally) by this. And the quote from the shooter’s father about not knowing why: also heartbreaking.


Fuuuuuck. More gasoline for Trump’s Bonfire of the Racisms.


I haven’t the words to describe my outrage at this act of pure hate, disgusting.


Yeah, the conservative commenters are already saying, “see? this is why we need to ban muslims from coming to america!” even though the shooter was a native born American citizen and such a law would be unconstitutional anyway.