Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/09/03/dutch-treat-2.html
Maybe he should have started making them blink out warning messages, Stranger Things style.
Emergency Erase
In my house there’s this light switch that doesn’t do anything.
Every so often I would flick it on and off just to check.
Yesterday, I got a call from a woman in Germany. She said, “Cut it out.”–Steven Wright
Guy returns his “smart” light bulbs
I’m still using dumb bulbs, I know, I KNOW…
Remember, the S in IOT stands for security!
I also returned a set of Hue bulbs to amazon. The interface needed way too many keypresses to do simple things, and was buggy and unreliable. And these are the most highly rated of the category. Sorta like buying a USB hub; just no incentive for anyone to make a stable product. I will wait a few more generations before I wade myself in this cesspool again.
How do you fit an elephant into a Safeway bag?
You take the S out of Safe and the F out of Way.
Yeah, exactly!
there’s another language there just waiting for some hope…
Correction: Guy returns his “smart” light bulbs, does not disassociate lights from Hue account beforehand, discovers he can still control them after someone else buys them.
Sure, it’s harmless with lightbulbs, but then think about what the ghost of the guy who had your pacemaker could do.
I turned in a leased electric car a few years back.
For months thereafter I still had access to the vehicles location tracking, remote lock/unlock, remote climate control activation, information on the state of charge and length of recent journeys.
The Hue bulbs confuses me a bit. I wonder if they were Bluetooth bulbs or the older hub-required bulbs. It was my understanding that the bulbs are associated with a hub, and the hub is what was associated with an account. Perhaps the guy returned bulbs AND a hub.
“Because I’m a nice guy”
Some would debate that assertion…
Wrong thread, but good article
Nope - the “nice guy” who returned the bulbs is the guy who wrote the article this responded to. And who worked long and hard to keep trans people out of ENDA back then - using some rather transphobic language from time to time.
Stryker’s article was responding to his on just that subject in the same publication.
He lost.
“If only he used his power for niceness, instead of evil.” - Maxwell Smart
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