Gym tells woman her breasts 'too large' for tank top


Snark! EEE! Gif!!
Snark! EEE! Gif!!


Admiring a womanā€™s appearance isnā€™t treating her like an object, it is treating her like a human. Attraction is part of the human experience. Iā€™m not talking about offensive comments, etc. What harm is there in looking? Are you so uncomfortable with your own sexuality that the very notion of being attractive to someone offends you?

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There is a huge difference between admiring someoneā€™s physical appearance and making sexist comments about womenā€™s bodies. Boobs are not here for your enjoyment and pleasure. They are a part of a womanā€™s body that primarily exists to feed babies, not cater to menā€™s fantasies. Itā€™s fine to enjoy a personā€™s physical appearance, but far too often women get entirely reduced to nothing BUT that. Not everyone needs to know what you think of some oneā€™s body.


Well, it is a good thing that I already said that that was not what I was talking about. Oh, and if they were just to feed babies they would be much smaller like the other great apes.

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I recently heard that the average male spends one year of his life staring at women-folk.

Honestly I donā€™t know why anyone would subject themselves to ā€œhealthā€ clubs.

The gerbil wheels are either covered in mucus and sweat so established the bacteria itā€™s supporting will beat us to the singularity, or chemicals so noxious your fab bod can die of ammonia poisoning.

The scenery is a combination of uninspired utilitarian depression and panoramic light pollution from those little boxes with which the sheep insist on surrounding themselves for the comfort of commercials and professional talking heads whiling away their time dumbing down the great unwashed masses.

The air is rank with the odor of body anxiety, status anxiety, self-loathing and the sleaze-soaked pheromones of the gym rats so socially inept and emotionally stunted that they think itā€™s a good place to meet fuck-buddies.

Virtually everyone there is either a preening peacock, an insecure numbskull or a haggard office drone trying to ignore the preening peacocks and insecure numbskulls.

The fees for these sad degenerate dungeons of despair rival highway robbery thanks to astronomical insurance premiums for catering to penitent desk jockeys injuring themselves in ill-advised attempts to make up for their procrastination, insecure numbskulls permanently damaging their bodies in their quest to ā€œbulk upā€, roided out gym rats hogging the weight machines until they tear every ligament in their abused bodies, and scatter-brained dingbats trying to type text messages while attempting to run straight on a treadmill.

The climate control probably did the smart thing packing it in and going home.

The pool, if any, is a bioterroristā€™s wet dream.

The towels, if any, are likely more desiccated human detritus than cotton fibers.

And the vending machines containing the little bars of caramel-flavored starch plasticized in more preservatives than King Tut are caked in the a layer of dusty saccharine filth thatā€™s developed an ecological symbiosis with the insect graveyard lurking beneath and behind the push-flap door.

Compared to the myriad ways and places in the world where one could get physical exercise, gyms are virtually designed to repel, yet people flock to them like flies to a bug-lamp!


Boobies! /s


Everywhere (hell, anywhere) else in body-obsessed Western society! /s

I say this as someone many of whose otherwise intelligent friends and family members take their exercise at these ignominious dens of desperation :frowning2:

Still, if I can save even one person from joining a gym, itā€™s a small victory against the decay of civilization.


Some underacheiver is seriously skewing the curve, then.

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I donā€™t think thatā€™s what you mean to say. Humans are objects. All discrete characterizable things are objects. If you can tell the difference between two things, they are both objects. That is the primary definition. I think you want to work with the secondary definition in order to clarify the issue.

Edit: not trying to tell you what you mean, here, just trying to help. Us object-lovers donā€™t mind being objects.

I think the issue is more clear in the definition of ā€œobjectifyā€: degrade to the status of a mere object.

Sure, humans qualify as objects; but not all objects qualify as humans. I think the word ā€œmereā€ is the key.


Yes, thatā€™s much clearer!

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You really ought to find a better class of gym.

something something gym classā€¦ I got nothin.

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I know Iā€™m biased. But every gym Iā€™ve ever set foot in was imbrued by at least two and usually more of those pestilences, any one of which is enough to reaffirm why I exercise at home, on the dance floor, in the dojo or outdoors, all of which are infinitely more pleasant environments than any gym.


I changed my mind. I was wrong. It actually was not sarcasm. Sigh.

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My god, because of this I have discovered Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. Boob jokes and Broadway stars!


If only your post was as clever as your name


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That was a splendid rant and I completely agree.