the comments section at techdirt have fingered ‘Hacker X’ as having worked for Mike Adams’ “Natural News”, a far-right network of blogs and video postings. Despite claiming to have ceased his activity in 2017, ‘Hacker X’ / ‘Robert Willis’, remained active in the project, creating alts, clone sites, scripted social network account posters, and more for ‘Koala Media’ until September 2018.
Like many other “right wing punks” he claimed he was “apolitical” while railing against the democrats or labour and supporting right wing causes like Rock against Communism… Of course NOW he’s fucking sorry, but he just needs to fuck right off.
Especially since almost no one who claims to hold these ideals seems interested in championing the policies such an ideology would imply, like raising taxes on the rich and making massive cuts to military spending in order to balance the budget.
“Russia played such a minor role that they weren’t even a blip on the radar,” the hacker told me recently. “This was normal for politicians, though… if you say a lie enough times, everyone will believe it.”
I don’t think this grommet was in a position to know.