Haley’s plan to unite the United States: pardon Trump

Absolutely agree. :slight_smile: As I said in my original comment:

No complacency of course. We need to make sure the sane majority gets out to vote in all blue states and swing states, just like we did in 2020.

All of which will require legislative change before 11/2024, which is not enough time.

You still assume they’ll do anything by the book? Courageous.

Nope, I assume nothing. : )

But the GOP being unable to do what they want legislatively in swing states in time for 11/24 is a win. It means they have fewer tools - and, with a Democratic governor and close legislature in swing states, it means illegal attempts will be met with consequences. Which has the chilling effect on illegal nonsense it always has.

None of this is implying certainty, and none of it is counseling complacency. I’m just making the point that this is good news.

And good news is good, right?

And the more good news the better. As hard as that can feel, in our relatively constant bath of both-sides horse-race journalism.

She wants to unite MAGA with their overlord oligarchs.

Ford spewed similar blather when he pardoned Nixon.
Just as Ford’s pardon of Nixon insured we would see the likes of Lord Dampnut as POTUS, pardoning a Coup Leader will insure that a worse one will come along.

Of course, the current coup is still an ongoing process. The Usual Suspects have been busy laying groundwork to gum up the works, come November.
Damned if I will trust a mail-in ballot.

Pardoning Lord Dampnut will do just the opposite of what you claim you want!

Hell, even when he croaks, his tomb will become a combination shrine and toilet.


A shrinal?


So she’s running the Gerald Ford angle? She knows how that worked out for him, right?

In 1979, The Nation published excerpts from Ford’s memoirs, scooping Time Magazine (which had actually paid for the rights). They were sued for their gumption and lost badly.

The Ford Memoirs Behind the Nixon Pardon

Ford decided that court proceedings against might take six years, that Nixon “would not spend time quietly in San Clemente, “ 13and “it would be virtually impossible for me to direct public attention on anything else.” 14

The White House did, however, want Nixon to make a full confession on the occasion of his pardon or, at a minimum, express true contrition. Ford tells of the negotiation with Jack Miller, Nixon’s lawyer, over the wording of Nixon’s statement. But as Ford reports Miller’s response. Nixon was not likely to yield. “His few meetings with his client had shown him that the former President’s ability to discuss Watergate objectively was almost nonexistent.” 15

The statement they really wanted was never forthcoming. As soon as Ford’s emissary arrived in San Clemente, he was confronted with an ultimatum by Ron Zeigler, Nixon’s former press secretary. “Lets get one thing straight immediately,” Zeigler said. “President Nixon is not issuing any statement whatsoever regarding Watergate, whether Jerry Ford pardons him or not.” Zeigler proposed a draft, which was turned down on the ground that “no statement would be better than that. 16 They went through three more drafts before they agreed on the statement Nixon finally made, which stopped far short of a full confession.

People like Roger Stone remind me that the “Average American” has not really grappled with the sweeping scope of watergate. The idea of the Imperial Presidency emboldened Trump and his ilk. So if Haley thinks of a pardon as a way to heal America, she’s ignored the lessons of Watergate, and is intent on repeating Ford’s mistakes.


Ah, yes. The law and order party strikes again.


Ford was a deer in the headlights. Here’s a good quick read on Nixon after the presidency. True the pardon didn’t unite the country but it probably did contribute to things simmering down, as did Nixon’s having pulled the country out of Vietnam. And a lot of machinations behind Nixon’s bad deeds were caught on tape and aired publicly. Your point sticks, but I think there’s a big difference with Trump.

Trump isn’t going to retire in a quiet town and duck out of the public eye.


Watergate’s biggest mysteries remain unsolved | Constitution Center

A pardon terminated the speculation, and it allowed people to minimize Nixon’s role.


It sure is good that impunity is something you can dabble in without downsides or the risk of finding yourself in need of even more in the future; isn’t it?

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Oh, no. People WILL be pooping on it as well.


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