Hamilton County sheriffs replace U.S. flag at justice center with police "thin blue line" flag

I doubt he would have cared anyway, since the cops are almost never held to account.


Traditionally a mistake like this is followed by a resignation, or if not a firing.


I have mixed feelings about the ways the US flag is treated. Comes from someone pointing out that unlike most countries, the US has very little that collectively bonds us. We’re diverse people from diverse backgrounds. Having an artificial symbol to bond over gives us some way to at least say that despite our difference, we are all American. We share a common bond. E pluribus unum and all that stuff.

And yet, when I see the flag burned, I feel a bit of pride. In many countries, their flag isn’t as central to their identity, yet is fiercely protected with criminal penalties. We have enough confidence in free speech that burning the flag is protected (almost an honored ritual). There’s a bit of irony in burning a flag that symbolizes protection of the right to burn it. Penn and Teller have a great magic trick on the subject if you have a moment.

But this blue line flag is an abomination. It violates the entire purpose of the American flag as a symbol to unite us. Flying it in place of the actual flag may not carry any more official penalty than burning, but is sick and twisted beyond what any flag burning could ever be.


Between the first amendment and the fact that the law doesn’t provide for penalties for violating it, it’s not only unenforced, it’s unenforceable.


I hear you. I like the idea that the flag should represent the ideals of union and equality. That’s been a myth since the beginning though, I’m afraid. It’s the story we’ve told ourselves about the nation in order to paper over the genocide and chattel slavery that built the country. I wish it had ever represented what it’s supposed to, but we’ve got some ancient and ongoing sins we need to repent before we can reach that ideal. The people who love the object the most seem to loathe the ideal it should reflect, and then use their reverence for the object to justify their evils. So a parody version of the object seems fine to them, since it’s never been representative of something deeper to them than a weapon they use to define the out-groups.


Yep. Found elsewhere: "Our American Flag was stolen during the Vandalism of the Justice Center. "
Weirdly, they just couldn’t find another American flag, no matter how hard they tried!


Most countries actually don’t give a shit about their flags or if you burn a flag. It’s just not really relevant. The reason why protestors burn the US flag abroad in anti-imperialist protests is that it upsets Americans.

Places that have flag worship, like Northern Ireland, have really fucked up reasons for it (like your town is covered in red white and blue because the coppers guard the vandals doing it).

Basically, the fewer flags a place has, the more normal it is. National emblems (and pictures of our glorious leader) in every office publicly funded are signs of a fucked up body politic.


They could always remove him from office and strip his pension.


Assuming for a second that the protestors actually stole the flag and they couldn’t acquire a new one to put up immediately, wouldn’t it have been preferable to just not put anything up at all?


You might be surprised at how many do make it a crime.

Some do ignore the law, but “Australia is one of the few nations, along with the United States, Canada, and Belgium, to explicitly allow flag burning.”

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I don’t need a piece of cloth to tell me who I am (a human being) and who my neighbors near and far are (my brothers and sisters). It’s weird how in the 21st century, when we’re all hooked into globalization in one way or another, that we still (at least in America) cling to these empty symbols instead of embracing our common humanity.




Cops won’t fly the American flag now? Maybe they shouldn’t accept our tax dollars anymore if they hate America and love pork so much.


I have no idea whether it’s legal or not in my country (I really can’t imagine what sort of law could be used to prosecute) because nobody cares and it has never once come up for discussion.
only thing I can think of where people have discussed the correct use of a flag was when the local fash were protesting at a beach and they had the flag the wrong way round so it was Cotes d’Ivoire! Not that I would have noticed to tell the truth.


I don’t have the program or skills to portray it properly, but whenever I see the thin blue line flag I see this:

Hopefully the idea comes across despite the poor execution.


Blue above all the other colors; they are more important than anyone else.

Message is clear; proceed.


Well, Trump’s statements of late indicate that he’s all in on turning the USA into a police state.


The flag is just a piece of cloth. What matters is what is in the hearts and minds of the people.

Did you read anything I was replying to, or just assume I was a blind, flag waving, patriot? Because not I thing that I put there indicates that I’m not a aware that it’s a god damn piece of cloth. I’m arguing that blind nationalism is stupid.


Did it ever occur to you that I was just reinforcing what you had written? And no, I didn’t read all the comments. But do consider that I’m friend, not foe.