"Happy Furry Monsters" and other Sesame Street parody mashup songs

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/02/21/happy-furry-monsters-and-o.html


I see the Katy Perry one with Elmo is missing, probably because it wasn’t boradcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PwZnCkoX5gI

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I guess this one doesn’t really count because it’s not The Beatles, it’s The Beetles.


Here’s one with Alicia Keys

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They missed this one too, but otherwise this is a delightful mushup!


Offhand, “La Bamba” is the only one I can recall. Except maybe… that other latinesque dance song, with the hard-to-understand lyrics? What was that again? (No, no, not that one.)

Steve Wonder’s version of Superstition live on set was amazing. I’ve watched it a bunch of times. He looks like he’s having fun, the human cast members are obviously enjoying it, and it’s a solid version of the song.

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It’s missing Little Rebel ‘L’! (You’re too LOUD, LOUD, LOUD!)

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I like the Feist parody version so much, it’s even better then the original :slight_smile:

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