Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 1)

It’s a very simple recipe, to be honest I don’t know how close it is to “authentic,” but my family devours it. @Jesse13927 might have a better recipe.

This feeds 5 hungry people, including teenage and early 20s boys. It’s also I credibly easy to prepare. It takes very little time.

8 chicken thighs, rinsed and pat dry, and sliced very thinly. It helps to have the thighs a bit frozen. Thighs work better than breasts in this—they contribute more flavor.
.75 cups mirin
.25 cups cheap sake (or dry sherry, or dry white wine)
4 cups dashi
.5 cup no-salt soy sauce
.25 cup sugar
2 large onions, very thinly sliced
.5 lb mushrooms, very thinly sliced
8 large eggs, gently beaten
6 sliced scallions
12 cups cooked rice, or a bunch of thin rice noodle

In a large pot or pan, add mirin and sake and bring to a boil.
Add dashi, soy sauce and sugar, and bring to a boil again.
Add the onion in a single layer and place the chicken on top. Cover and bring to a boil. Use a spoon to “jiggle” the chicken and onion to keep them separated.
Skim off the scum and fat, and cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes.
Spin the liquid and slowly drizzle the beaten egg over the chicken and onion. Cook covered until the egg is done. Shake the pan occasionally so the egg and chicken don’t stick to the pan.

Pour the chicken and egg on top of steamed rice or noodles. Top with scallions.

I also sometimes add baby spinach, added close to the end. Sometimes thin seaweed.

I use dry dashi reconstituted at 1 to 1.5 tsp per cup boiling h20.