Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

I will give you my recipe off the top of my head.

Simmered Kabocha
1 whole kabocha squash
2 cups of bonito dashi (or 2 cups of water + 1-2 tsp of powdered bonito broth)
2 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp sugar (or sugar substitute)
2 tbsp mirin (sweetened sake)

  1. make slices in the skin of the kabocha all over with a vegetable peeler. (Just some areas, not the whole squash)
  2. Stick in microwave for about 2 minutes
    (Skip 1& 2 if you have a large kitchen knife, some arm strength and confidence you won’t kill yourself cutting this hard squash or precut kabocha)
  3. Cut the squash into 2" square pieces (err on side of thicker is better)
  4. Place cut squash in a pot cover, try to keep it as one layer
  5. Pour in bonito broth and heat up
  6. When broth reaches boiling point, reduce to simmer and add sugar, mirin and soy sauce
  7. Simmer until a significant level of broth has evaporated off. (about 1/3rd)

Its served both hot or cold. Cold is less mushy and presents better.